Friday, June 12, 2009

SISTER IN ISLAM......satu analisis

Many of the esteemed members of the cabinet including all the Prime Ministers are moslem in name and by their own volition -true moslems. One of the PM even went so far as to declare that he was running the country on a hadari or clearly in 'hatari' mode. Hatari was a movie in the 60's about an adventure in the african wonderland by hunters using 4wd's with lots o beauties [ if i am not mistaken including Ursula Undress ]

In the past cabinets we have had stories about ministers having affairs-some leading to tragic consequences and some leading to not so nice name calling . Imagine having your father's name redefined by a well known blogger as 'groping' . That is not doing justice to the of name of one's father.

The point of the story that I want to press is this- As moslems men are allowed to marry four nice women. If during the course of one's marriage the wife has turned into a beer barrel, surely it behoves on the man to create an addition to his family. And if his libido is still good he should continue to add until the figure 4. And if he has more residual desires left , he should think of divorcing one and marry another one. After all a minister has adequate income. Just the other day a blog claimed that an mb can get as much as rm 60 000 a month! So what is keeping a few women as wives - a small drop in the ocean unless of course the wife has expensive tastes.

Allah in his divine wisdom has permitted man to marry 4. Why in are our moslem politicians fornicating with young women when there is a proviso for them to marry 4 in our countr'ys laws. The reason maybe found if we analysed the leadership of past pm' , we will find them wanting. The previous pms probably [ my conjecture] listened too much too the wives
and let them disctate policies to the underlings.

Analysing the leadership of pm Tun M . He was probably well versed in his job but as leader of a cabinet comprising moslem ministers - his ministers were rumoured [ though not reported as heavilty due to non availablity
of internet then] through press reports on collateral crimes were having affairs on the side. For a fact one cannot see any minister keeping more than one wife during the last few regimes. Why?

Do you think the ministers are not " able" ? Surely not . The reason probaly is because the big boss does not condone such a practice. Or to go more deeper- probably the wife of the boss do not encourage such a policy!

In many ways 'modern' [ actually misguided] moslem ministers think it is fashionable to keep one wife and have a few women on the side. Actually this practice denigrates women . My conversation with club personnel tells of lurid and sad stories that that takes place in these clubs. Young girls
in so called karaoke lounge ' in effect everything boleh place' are picked and dumped by politicians at will . Go visit the clubs - you need a few hundred ringgit though - to see what is happening in the clubs. Just today I encounter a couple of young malay girls together with their 'transporter' at a coffee shop. A peek into their conversation revealed what a sad situation it had been for them. In fact one them [ barely in their twenties] sighed - what a life -'kita sundal'

Do you prefer our rich brothers marry one and keep a few on the side? And the few on the side is subject to change - just like the channels on astro. This is tragic especially poverty is rampant among the population. Remember gdp is only a number- a few percent of the population owned
90 percent of the income. Our disparity gap among the haves and have nots is vvvv large. Just look at the salary of the MB and the salary of the cashier at the club- she gets about a 1200 ringgit with tips ...

When Allah makes law for man - it must be accepted by all who submit themselves as moslems. This is not like taking a course at the college where one can pick and choose what part of the law one wants and reject what is not 'fair ' to one self. And the rationale as to why laws are made
for mankind is for the good of the mankind. Just look at the example : Why Allah prohibits alcohol? In Anisah it is explained that alcohol is prohibited because the beneficail effects outweighs its bad effect. Sound familiar? Yes you will know that judges in england and here too will reject evidence if its probative value outweighs its prejudicial value.

Who are these women [ sisters -- } to make light of laws of Allah Almighty.Looking at their profiles one a daughter of a past diplomat and two among others are daughters o f past prime ministers. It is a good thing to champion a cause. Tun M in critising the US actions always used 'might is right' accustaion at the US. In this scenario I would plead that the ' sisters --' to submit to the laws of Allah unconditionally and make learning Islam a lifetime quest. Relying on your connexions is akin to practising 'might is right policy' and would lead you astray and to a ' point of no return -murtad. ' It is on good authority -Muhamad Qutub [ title forgotten] wrote that one falls outside islam if one rejects His laws Allah. Yes , you can, by your connexions make the Jakim declare that you not murtad or even keep a 'strategic silence' That does not change the stark reality- recant or be murtad. It is time for you ladies - to be or not to ...
be . That is the question.....

suggested reading Yusuf Ali 'translation of the Quran"
