Friday, April 17, 2009
Is Your Home an Islamic Home?
"And Allah has made for you in your homes a place of rest..."
This may seem like an unusual question and your automatic response may be "Why, of course my home is an Islamic Home!! My family is Muslim and that makes our home a Muslim one!!"
Go through this short checklist to determine if your response should really be in the affirmative.
I Have Chosen a Good Spouse
There are several ahadeeth that highlight the importance of choosing a righteous and pious spouse. The wisdom of this is obvious: a pious spouse is more likely to bring happiness and contentment to the other spouse and the couple together will be more able to build a righteous family and home life. This is the foundation of the home.
I Help Guide My Spouse
This begins with each spouse fulfilling the duties and responsibilities of their roles and treating each other with kindness and compassion. It then goes beyond this to include guidance in other spiritual matters such as striving to strengthen imaan; paying attention to worship and correcting it when needed; encouraging the reading of Qur'an, praying at night, giving charity, and reading books on Islam; helping to choose pious friends; enjoining goodness and forbidding evil. Iman is something that may increase or decrease so it is necessary to continually focus on increasing our own and that of our spouse.
Our Home is a Place for Remembrance of Allah
Remembrance can be in many forms: with the heart, with the tongue, through prayer, recitation of Qur'an, memorizing adhkaar and using them, discussing Islamic issues, or reading Islamic material. These are things that should occur on a consistent basis so that the angels will come to the home and bring Allah's blessings. The Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wasallam, said: "The example of a home in which Allah is remembered and the example of a home in which Allah is not remembered, is like comparing the living and the dead."
Our Home is a Place of Worship
This means that salah is established within the home at its required time and that members of the family pray in congregation when several are present. The family may also designate a specific area for prayer and maintain its uniqueness and cleanliness. For women, it is better to pray each prayer within the home. For men, it is recommended to pray voluntary prayers at home after having prayed obligatory prayers in the masjid. The Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wasallam, said: "The voluntary prayer in the home is better than the voluntary prayer with the people. It is like the obligatory prayer of the man in congregation being better than praying the obligatory by himself."
[Sahih al-Jaami]. This is to ensure that homes are made places of worship just as the masajids.
We Regularly read Surat Al-Baqarah and Ayatul Kursi to Keep Satan Away
The Messenger of Allah, sallallahu alayhe wasallam, said: "Recite Surah Al-Baqarah in your houses, for the Satan does not enter a house in which Sura Al-Baqarah is recited."
[Sahih al-Jaami].
He also said: "When you go to your bed, recite Ayatul Kursi: 'Allah! There is no god but Him, the Ever-Living, the One Who Sustains and Protects all that exists', to the end, for then there will remain over you a guardian from Allah, and Satan will not come near you until morning."
[sahih al-Bukhari].
Teaching and Learning are Ongoing Activities in Our Home
This is primarily the responsibility of the head of die household who must ensure that he is guiding his family to the correct path, enjoining them to do good, and forbidding them from evil. Attaining knowledge is incumbent upon all members of the family and is the basis upon which Emaan will flourish, A study circle should be established in the home that covers the various areas in Islam and from which all family members will benefit.
Children should especially be encouraged to participate since this will establish a pattern for them that will be carried throughout their lifetimes.
We Have an Islamic Library in Our Home
This may include such things as books, cassette tapes, and CDs. It is important to choose accurate and reliable material that will benefit the members of the family. There should be a variety of materials to cover all age levels and language needs of those in the home. Arabic material is definitely a must since everyone in the family should either know or be learning to read the language of the Qur'an. Books should cover a variety of topics, be properly organized, and be easily accessible. Audiotapes and CDs may include Qur'an recitation, lectures, khutbahs, tapes for children containing supplications, reminders of Islamic manners, and nasheeds
(religious songs with no musical instruments). Family members should encourage one another to use these materials on a regular basis, and should be shared with other Muslim families who may be in need of them.
We Try to Have Morals and Manners Like Prophet Muhammad (salAllahu alayhi wasalam)
The Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, said; "When Allah wills some good towards the people of a household. He introduces kindness among them."
[Ahmad, Sahih al-Jami].
He also said: "Allah loves kindness and rewards it in such a way the He docs not reward for harshness or for anything else."
There are many examples of the Prophet's kindness and good treatment toward his family that we should try to emulate. He was affectionate and playful with his wives and children and would help with household chores to case the burden for his wives. Following his example will bring tranquility to the home and help to truly make it an abode of rest.
We Know the Islamic Rulings That Pertain to Houses
Such as guarding the secrets of the home, seeking permission to enter, not looking into other people's homes, not allowing children to enter the parent's bedroom during certain times of the day, and not staying alone
overnight. This last one is interesting to consider since some husbands travel for their business or work. The Prophet, sallallahu alayhi wasallam, actually discouraged this. Ibn Umar reported that the Prophet (salallahu alayhi wasalam) forbade being alone and said that a man should not stay overnight alone or travel alone
[Ahmad]. Not only will he be alone, but his wife and children are likely to be left alone in the home without any protection or companionship.
We Invite Righteous and Knowledgeable People to Our Home
"My Lord! Forgive me, and my parents, and him who enters my home as a believer, and all the believing men and women."
Righteous people who enter your home will bring many benefits due to their presence and conversations with them. They are more likely to discuss useful topics and may be excellent sources of information and knowledge. We should always make du'a that Allah will bless us with righteous friends since they can have such positive effects on us. The Prophet, (sallallahu alayhe wasallam) said: "Keep company with a believer only, and let your food be eaten only by the righteous."
[abu Dawud, at-Tirmidhi].
There are No Evils Within Our Home
Television (except possibly for educational programs) and unlawful music are not allowed in the house; pictures on the wall do not contain animate beings; there are no statues or anything that resembles statues; dogs are not present in the house; smoking is not allowed; decorations are kept simple to avoid excessiveness; the telephone is used for beneficial purposes and not harmful ones (such as gossiping or backbiting); when people come to visit, the men and women sit separately. The effects of these evils on the sanctity of the home should be obvious. For example, the Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, said: "Angels do not enter a house which has either a dog or a picture in it."
[sahih al-Bukhari].
The Physical Aspects of the Home are Conducive to Fulfilling Religious Obligations
It is best for the home to be close to a mosque so that it will be easier for men to attend the prayers in congregation and for all family members to visit the mosque for lectures, study groups, and social gatherings. It is also advisable to find an area where other Muslims live to obtain the benefits of community. One should definitely be careful about close neighbors and avoid those who are obviously immoral. When choosing a house, consideration should be made regarding the availability of separate sitting areas for men and women. The house should be spacious and fulfil safety and health requirements.
Islamic Home Decoration
The Islamic values of faith, love, compasssion, cleanliness and beauty all need to be nurtured in the home. Breifly, the ideal Muslim home would need to be:
Simple and not Ostentatious for the Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said:
"Eat, drink, give sadaqah and wear good clothes as long as these things do not invlove excess and arrogance"
Spacious, to allow privacy for parents and separate beds for children from the age of ten, for the noble Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) has advised:
"Separate (your children's) beds when they are ten years of age." This is obviously to prevent such disgusting crimes and sinful behaviour as incest.
Clean, for the noble Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) has said that "Cleanliness is part of faith" and also "Purity is half of faith."
Beautiful and free from such things as statues or revolting pieces of art for the noble Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) has said
"God is beautiful and loves beauty."
The ideal Muslim home is:
A place where there are the basic necessities of food and clothing (2: 233; 2:235-6), where meals are eaten together and where there is hospitality and generosity;
A place ehre the greeting of Peace (salam) is heard at dawn and at night and at times of going and coming.
A place where love, tenderness and mercy is the norm, for the Qur'an says
"And we have made between you love and tenderness"
A cheerful place, for "Smiling is charity", as the noble Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) has said
A place where the recitation of the Qur'an is heard daily and where knowledge is imparted and pursued.
A place where salat is performed and everyone, young and old, has a sense of time and place - time, in particular, related to the times of salat, and place - determined by the direction of the Qiblah.
This is the basic minimum.
"And Allah has made for you in your homes a place of rest..."
This may seem like an unusual question and your automatic response may be "Why, of course my home is an Islamic Home!! My family is Muslim and that makes our home a Muslim one!!"
Go through this short checklist to determine if your response should really be in the affirmative.
I Have Chosen a Good Spouse
There are several ahadeeth that highlight the importance of choosing a righteous and pious spouse. The wisdom of this is obvious: a pious spouse is more likely to bring happiness and contentment to the other spouse and the couple together will be more able to build a righteous family and home life. This is the foundation of the home.
I Help Guide My Spouse
This begins with each spouse fulfilling the duties and responsibilities of their roles and treating each other with kindness and compassion. It then goes beyond this to include guidance in other spiritual matters such as striving to strengthen imaan; paying attention to worship and correcting it when needed; encouraging the reading of Qur'an, praying at night, giving charity, and reading books on Islam; helping to choose pious friends; enjoining goodness and forbidding evil. Iman is something that may increase or decrease so it is necessary to continually focus on increasing our own and that of our spouse.
Our Home is a Place for Remembrance of Allah
Remembrance can be in many forms: with the heart, with the tongue, through prayer, recitation of Qur'an, memorizing adhkaar and using them, discussing Islamic issues, or reading Islamic material. These are things that should occur on a consistent basis so that the angels will come to the home and bring Allah's blessings. The Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wasallam, said: "The example of a home in which Allah is remembered and the example of a home in which Allah is not remembered, is like comparing the living and the dead."
Our Home is a Place of Worship
This means that salah is established within the home at its required time and that members of the family pray in congregation when several are present. The family may also designate a specific area for prayer and maintain its uniqueness and cleanliness. For women, it is better to pray each prayer within the home. For men, it is recommended to pray voluntary prayers at home after having prayed obligatory prayers in the masjid. The Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wasallam, said: "The voluntary prayer in the home is better than the voluntary prayer with the people. It is like the obligatory prayer of the man in congregation being better than praying the obligatory by himself."
[Sahih al-Jaami]. This is to ensure that homes are made places of worship just as the masajids.
We Regularly read Surat Al-Baqarah and Ayatul Kursi to Keep Satan Away
The Messenger of Allah, sallallahu alayhe wasallam, said: "Recite Surah Al-Baqarah in your houses, for the Satan does not enter a house in which Sura Al-Baqarah is recited."
[Sahih al-Jaami].
He also said: "When you go to your bed, recite Ayatul Kursi: 'Allah! There is no god but Him, the Ever-Living, the One Who Sustains and Protects all that exists', to the end, for then there will remain over you a guardian from Allah, and Satan will not come near you until morning."
[sahih al-Bukhari].
Teaching and Learning are Ongoing Activities in Our Home
This is primarily the responsibility of the head of die household who must ensure that he is guiding his family to the correct path, enjoining them to do good, and forbidding them from evil. Attaining knowledge is incumbent upon all members of the family and is the basis upon which Emaan will flourish, A study circle should be established in the home that covers the various areas in Islam and from which all family members will benefit.
Children should especially be encouraged to participate since this will establish a pattern for them that will be carried throughout their lifetimes.
We Have an Islamic Library in Our Home
This may include such things as books, cassette tapes, and CDs. It is important to choose accurate and reliable material that will benefit the members of the family. There should be a variety of materials to cover all age levels and language needs of those in the home. Arabic material is definitely a must since everyone in the family should either know or be learning to read the language of the Qur'an. Books should cover a variety of topics, be properly organized, and be easily accessible. Audiotapes and CDs may include Qur'an recitation, lectures, khutbahs, tapes for children containing supplications, reminders of Islamic manners, and nasheeds
(religious songs with no musical instruments). Family members should encourage one another to use these materials on a regular basis, and should be shared with other Muslim families who may be in need of them.
We Try to Have Morals and Manners Like Prophet Muhammad (salAllahu alayhi wasalam)
The Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, said; "When Allah wills some good towards the people of a household. He introduces kindness among them."
[Ahmad, Sahih al-Jami].
He also said: "Allah loves kindness and rewards it in such a way the He docs not reward for harshness or for anything else."
There are many examples of the Prophet's kindness and good treatment toward his family that we should try to emulate. He was affectionate and playful with his wives and children and would help with household chores to case the burden for his wives. Following his example will bring tranquility to the home and help to truly make it an abode of rest.
We Know the Islamic Rulings That Pertain to Houses
Such as guarding the secrets of the home, seeking permission to enter, not looking into other people's homes, not allowing children to enter the parent's bedroom during certain times of the day, and not staying alone
overnight. This last one is interesting to consider since some husbands travel for their business or work. The Prophet, sallallahu alayhi wasallam, actually discouraged this. Ibn Umar reported that the Prophet (salallahu alayhi wasalam) forbade being alone and said that a man should not stay overnight alone or travel alone
[Ahmad]. Not only will he be alone, but his wife and children are likely to be left alone in the home without any protection or companionship.
We Invite Righteous and Knowledgeable People to Our Home
"My Lord! Forgive me, and my parents, and him who enters my home as a believer, and all the believing men and women."
Righteous people who enter your home will bring many benefits due to their presence and conversations with them. They are more likely to discuss useful topics and may be excellent sources of information and knowledge. We should always make du'a that Allah will bless us with righteous friends since they can have such positive effects on us. The Prophet, (sallallahu alayhe wasallam) said: "Keep company with a believer only, and let your food be eaten only by the righteous."
[abu Dawud, at-Tirmidhi].
There are No Evils Within Our Home
Television (except possibly for educational programs) and unlawful music are not allowed in the house; pictures on the wall do not contain animate beings; there are no statues or anything that resembles statues; dogs are not present in the house; smoking is not allowed; decorations are kept simple to avoid excessiveness; the telephone is used for beneficial purposes and not harmful ones (such as gossiping or backbiting); when people come to visit, the men and women sit separately. The effects of these evils on the sanctity of the home should be obvious. For example, the Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, said: "Angels do not enter a house which has either a dog or a picture in it."
[sahih al-Bukhari].
The Physical Aspects of the Home are Conducive to Fulfilling Religious Obligations
It is best for the home to be close to a mosque so that it will be easier for men to attend the prayers in congregation and for all family members to visit the mosque for lectures, study groups, and social gatherings. It is also advisable to find an area where other Muslims live to obtain the benefits of community. One should definitely be careful about close neighbors and avoid those who are obviously immoral. When choosing a house, consideration should be made regarding the availability of separate sitting areas for men and women. The house should be spacious and fulfil safety and health requirements.
Islamic Home Decoration
The Islamic values of faith, love, compasssion, cleanliness and beauty all need to be nurtured in the home. Breifly, the ideal Muslim home would need to be:
Simple and not Ostentatious for the Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said:
"Eat, drink, give sadaqah and wear good clothes as long as these things do not invlove excess and arrogance"
Spacious, to allow privacy for parents and separate beds for children from the age of ten, for the noble Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) has advised:
"Separate (your children's) beds when they are ten years of age." This is obviously to prevent such disgusting crimes and sinful behaviour as incest.
Clean, for the noble Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) has said that "Cleanliness is part of faith" and also "Purity is half of faith."
Beautiful and free from such things as statues or revolting pieces of art for the noble Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) has said
"God is beautiful and loves beauty."
The ideal Muslim home is:
A place where there are the basic necessities of food and clothing (2: 233; 2:235-6), where meals are eaten together and where there is hospitality and generosity;
A place ehre the greeting of Peace (salam) is heard at dawn and at night and at times of going and coming.
A place where love, tenderness and mercy is the norm, for the Qur'an says
"And we have made between you love and tenderness"
A cheerful place, for "Smiling is charity", as the noble Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) has said
A place where the recitation of the Qur'an is heard daily and where knowledge is imparted and pursued.
A place where salat is performed and everyone, young and old, has a sense of time and place - time, in particular, related to the times of salat, and place - determined by the direction of the Qiblah.
This is the basic minimum.
The Ummah is a stalled Car
Picture yourself piling into a car with your fellow MSA members, about to embark on yet another road trip to an Islamic conference. Everyone is excited about hearing their favorite speakers, meeting old friends, making new connections. But what would happen if this buoyant busload came to a screeching halt?
Think of how your group would behave if suddenly you were stuck on the road, while dozens of cars raced by. Would you be disappointed, disillusioned, dormant, or determined to get your vehicle running again?
I am reminded of a wonderful parable, laden with meaning and smacking with a painful truth, that a wise Muslim once told me.
The Muslim Ummah is a stalled car.
Sadly, this is our current state. At the most, we are idling on the shoulder of the road, and even that is a generous description. It seems we have forgotten the glorious early days of Islam when the proverbial Muslim engine was running at maximum efficiency. Not a single dedicated Muslim remained idle. They used all available means to establish Islam and keep the momentum going.
One brilliant example of Muslim ingenuity involves Sultan Muhammad II, who at a very young age assumed the throne of the Ottoman empire. The Sultan achieved what many considered impossible, including building a fort in just three months when even his closest advisors told him that it would take no less than three *years*. Perhaps his most notable accomplishment came when he and his Muslim army captured Constantinople in a spectacular victory over the formidable Byzantine empire and its allies. Even after a severe setback in that war, the Muslims came back as an even stronger force when Sultan Muhammad implemented a most unique plan to pull the entire Muslim navy over a mountain on greased wooden planks. Thus, victory for the Muslims was sealed, Alhamdullillah, and Sultan Muhammad earned the title of Al-Fatih, the Conqueror.
But today, we remain in the stalled car that is our Ummah and wonder what can be done. After awhile, we notice four very distinct groups of people begin to emerge. The first group is inspecting the car and trying to fix whatever went wrong. The second is asleep inside the car. The third bunch is standing off to the side watching, but doing nothing more. Finally, we have the fourth group which is trying to ensure that the car remains broken. Clearly, these groups each need help if the car is ever to move again.
What can we do?
The members of the first group have the right attitude, but they need better coordination. Progress will not be made if one person is trying to fix the engine while another is attempting to push the car along. Before they can begin to fix the car, they must first determine what is wrong. After discovering the problem, they must agree on a plan of action. Once an agreement is reached, their individual forces can combine positively instead of cancelling each other out.
The second group, the sleepers, are a burden and must be roused. Once awake, they must be informed of the problem and made to realize its gravity. Then they need to be told what they can do to ameliorate the situation.
The fourth group (hindering the effort) cannot be dealt with as easily as the first two. When a group such as this is actively trying to undo the hard work of others or shouting unconstructive criticism, a number of factors need to be taken into consideration. First of all, do not expect to change their minds quickly and easily, or even at all. Often times, it is like arguing with a donkey - you waste your breath and annoy the donkey! Gentle education is preferable and nasiha (advice) is a duty of one Muslim to another, but if they persist in hindering your progress, do not allow them to distract you from your task. Your energies are required elsewhere.
It is also necessary to be cautious with the fourth group. Watch out, they may try to push the car in the opposite direction, setting everyone even further back than initially. But even if they do that, remember to deal with them Islamically, for if they are dealt with harshly, it will only cause fitna and confusion among all the groups and you will go nowhere fast. The overall process is a jihad of sorts.
Ironically, it is the third group (standing and watching) which is the most complex and problematic. You must first determine why they are standing by. Are they lazy? Do they think the car cannot be fixed, or do they not trust those who are trying to fix the car? Maybe they think the car is not necessary to reach their destination. These are all very serious concerns. Unfortunately, it seems the bulk of the Ummah falls into this group. There is no quick remedy for the third group. But bear in mind that a small spark in the engine may be what these people need, either as a warning that if something is not done, their entire journey will go up in smoke (literally) or that there is hope that the vehicle can be fixed.
Others among the group of idlers simply lack confidence in their ability to contribute. If this is the case, a gentle nudge (occasionally, an outright shove, done nicely) in the right direction may be the much needed catalyst. This step must be followed by education and training, which will, inshaa'Allah give them faith in themselves and others, as well as a solid foundation on which to operate.
They must also learn that they should not waste time waiting around for a tow truck or a mechanic. Maybe all the car needs is a good push. If nothing else, they can hand tools to the workers. The fact is that a really good mechanic might not show up for a very long time and the people in the car must make do with each other.
We are at a stage where not a single Muslim can be wasted. Every hand must contribute, in its own way, to restarting the Ummah. This may involve small sacrifices of doing what is *needed* rather than what we want individually. We need to hone our skills, yet be diverse enough in our abilities to perform a variety of functions.
Every once in a while, we need a jump start, a rejuvenation of our iman which will enable us to feel the spirit of Islam coursing through us. We also need spiritual nourishment (filling ourselves with Qur'an, Sunnah, and other Islamic knowledge) on a regular basis, as well as the occasional tune-up to ensure that we are functioning the way a strong Ummah should.
This ongoing metaphor makes me wonder which group each of us falls into. Are we eager to help but lack direction and coordination? Are we in a state of dormancy? Perhaps we are quiet observers who wait, in vain, for a tow truck to lift us into action. I sincerely hope none of us is trying to destroy the hard work of others. Regardless of which group we identify with, we are crippling the Ummah and will continue to be a liability until we get our act together.
May Allah (swt) guide us all to aid in the mobilization of our Ummah.
Picture yourself piling into a car with your fellow MSA members, about to embark on yet another road trip to an Islamic conference. Everyone is excited about hearing their favorite speakers, meeting old friends, making new connections. But what would happen if this buoyant busload came to a screeching halt?
Think of how your group would behave if suddenly you were stuck on the road, while dozens of cars raced by. Would you be disappointed, disillusioned, dormant, or determined to get your vehicle running again?
I am reminded of a wonderful parable, laden with meaning and smacking with a painful truth, that a wise Muslim once told me.
The Muslim Ummah is a stalled car.
Sadly, this is our current state. At the most, we are idling on the shoulder of the road, and even that is a generous description. It seems we have forgotten the glorious early days of Islam when the proverbial Muslim engine was running at maximum efficiency. Not a single dedicated Muslim remained idle. They used all available means to establish Islam and keep the momentum going.
One brilliant example of Muslim ingenuity involves Sultan Muhammad II, who at a very young age assumed the throne of the Ottoman empire. The Sultan achieved what many considered impossible, including building a fort in just three months when even his closest advisors told him that it would take no less than three *years*. Perhaps his most notable accomplishment came when he and his Muslim army captured Constantinople in a spectacular victory over the formidable Byzantine empire and its allies. Even after a severe setback in that war, the Muslims came back as an even stronger force when Sultan Muhammad implemented a most unique plan to pull the entire Muslim navy over a mountain on greased wooden planks. Thus, victory for the Muslims was sealed, Alhamdullillah, and Sultan Muhammad earned the title of Al-Fatih, the Conqueror.
But today, we remain in the stalled car that is our Ummah and wonder what can be done. After awhile, we notice four very distinct groups of people begin to emerge. The first group is inspecting the car and trying to fix whatever went wrong. The second is asleep inside the car. The third bunch is standing off to the side watching, but doing nothing more. Finally, we have the fourth group which is trying to ensure that the car remains broken. Clearly, these groups each need help if the car is ever to move again.
What can we do?
The members of the first group have the right attitude, but they need better coordination. Progress will not be made if one person is trying to fix the engine while another is attempting to push the car along. Before they can begin to fix the car, they must first determine what is wrong. After discovering the problem, they must agree on a plan of action. Once an agreement is reached, their individual forces can combine positively instead of cancelling each other out.
The second group, the sleepers, are a burden and must be roused. Once awake, they must be informed of the problem and made to realize its gravity. Then they need to be told what they can do to ameliorate the situation.
The fourth group (hindering the effort) cannot be dealt with as easily as the first two. When a group such as this is actively trying to undo the hard work of others or shouting unconstructive criticism, a number of factors need to be taken into consideration. First of all, do not expect to change their minds quickly and easily, or even at all. Often times, it is like arguing with a donkey - you waste your breath and annoy the donkey! Gentle education is preferable and nasiha (advice) is a duty of one Muslim to another, but if they persist in hindering your progress, do not allow them to distract you from your task. Your energies are required elsewhere.
It is also necessary to be cautious with the fourth group. Watch out, they may try to push the car in the opposite direction, setting everyone even further back than initially. But even if they do that, remember to deal with them Islamically, for if they are dealt with harshly, it will only cause fitna and confusion among all the groups and you will go nowhere fast. The overall process is a jihad of sorts.
Ironically, it is the third group (standing and watching) which is the most complex and problematic. You must first determine why they are standing by. Are they lazy? Do they think the car cannot be fixed, or do they not trust those who are trying to fix the car? Maybe they think the car is not necessary to reach their destination. These are all very serious concerns. Unfortunately, it seems the bulk of the Ummah falls into this group. There is no quick remedy for the third group. But bear in mind that a small spark in the engine may be what these people need, either as a warning that if something is not done, their entire journey will go up in smoke (literally) or that there is hope that the vehicle can be fixed.
Others among the group of idlers simply lack confidence in their ability to contribute. If this is the case, a gentle nudge (occasionally, an outright shove, done nicely) in the right direction may be the much needed catalyst. This step must be followed by education and training, which will, inshaa'Allah give them faith in themselves and others, as well as a solid foundation on which to operate.
They must also learn that they should not waste time waiting around for a tow truck or a mechanic. Maybe all the car needs is a good push. If nothing else, they can hand tools to the workers. The fact is that a really good mechanic might not show up for a very long time and the people in the car must make do with each other.
We are at a stage where not a single Muslim can be wasted. Every hand must contribute, in its own way, to restarting the Ummah. This may involve small sacrifices of doing what is *needed* rather than what we want individually. We need to hone our skills, yet be diverse enough in our abilities to perform a variety of functions.
Every once in a while, we need a jump start, a rejuvenation of our iman which will enable us to feel the spirit of Islam coursing through us. We also need spiritual nourishment (filling ourselves with Qur'an, Sunnah, and other Islamic knowledge) on a regular basis, as well as the occasional tune-up to ensure that we are functioning the way a strong Ummah should.
This ongoing metaphor makes me wonder which group each of us falls into. Are we eager to help but lack direction and coordination? Are we in a state of dormancy? Perhaps we are quiet observers who wait, in vain, for a tow truck to lift us into action. I sincerely hope none of us is trying to destroy the hard work of others. Regardless of which group we identify with, we are crippling the Ummah and will continue to be a liability until we get our act together.
May Allah (swt) guide us all to aid in the mobilization of our Ummah.
Mengapa biarkan hati mati
Hati adalah organ paling utama dalam tubuh manusia dan ia nikmat paling agung diberikan Allah. Hati menjadi tempat Allah membuat penilaian terhadap hamba-Nya. Pada hatilah letaknya niat seseorang. Iklan
Niat ikhlas itu akan diberi pahala. Hati perlu dijaga dan dipelihara dengan baik agar tidak rosak, sakit, buta, keras dan lebih-lebih lagi tidak mati. Sekiranya berlaku pada hati keadaan seperti ini, kesannya membabitkan seluruh anggota tubuh manusia. Akibatnya, akan lahir penyakit masyarakat berpunca daripada hati yang sudah rosak itu.
Justeru, hati menjadi amanah yang wajib dijaga sebagaimana kita diamanahkan menjaga mata, telinga, mulut, kaki, tangan dan sebagainya daripada berbuat dosa dan maksiat.
Hati yang hitam ialah hati yang menjadi gelap kerana bergelumang dengan dosa. Setiap dosa yang dilakukan tanpa bertaubat akan menyebabkan satu titik hitam pada hati. Itu baru satu dosa. Bayangkan bagaimana kalau 10 dosa? 100 dosa? 1,000 dosa? Alangkah hitam dan kotornya hati ketika itu.
Perkara ini jelas digambarkan melalui hadis Rasulullah yang bermaksud: "Sesiapa yang melakukan satu dosa, maka akan tumbuh pada hatinya setitik hitam, sekiranya dia bertaubat akan terkikislah titik hitam itu daripada hatinya. Jika dia tidak bertaubat maka titik hitam itu akan terus merebak hingga seluruh hatinya menjadi hitam." (Hadis riwayat Ibn Majah)
Hadis ini selari dengan firman Allah bermaksud: "Sebenarnya ayat-ayat Kami tidak ada cacatnya, bahkan mata hati mereka sudah diselaputi kotoran dosa dengan sebab perbuatan kufur dan maksiat yang mereka kerjakan." (Surah al-Muthaffifiin, ayat 14)
Hati yang kotor dan hitam akan menjadi keras. Apabila hati keras, kemanisan dan kelazatan beribadat tidak dapat dirasakan. Ia akan menjadi penghalang kepada masuknya nur iman dan ilmu. Belajar sebanyak mana pun ilmu yang bermanfaat atau ilmu yang boleh memandu kita, namun ilmu itu tidak masuk ke dalam hati, kalau pun kita faham, tidak ada daya dan kekuatan untuk mengamalkannya.
Dalam hal ini Allah berfirman yang bermaksud: "Kemudian selepas itu, hati kamu menjadi keras seperti batu, bahkan lebih keras lagi. Pada hal antara batu-batu itu ada yang terpancar dan mengalir sungai daripadanya dan ada pula antaranya yang pecah-pecah terbelah lalu keluar mata air daripadanya. Dan ada juga antaranya yang jatuh ke bawah kerana takut kepada Allah sedang Allah tidak sekali-kali lalai daripada apa yang kamu kerjakan." (Surah al-Baqarah ayat 74)
Begitulah Allah mendatangkan contoh dan menerangkan batu yang keras itu pun ada kalanya boleh mengalirkan air dan boleh terpecah kerana amat takutkan Allah. Oleh itu, apakah hati manusia lebih keras daripada batu hingga tidak boleh menerima petunjuk dan hidayah daripada Allah.
Perkara paling membimbangkan ialah apabila hati mati akan berlaku kemusnahan amat besar terhadap manusia. Matinya hati adalah bencana dan malapetaka besar yang bakal menghitamkan seluruh kehidupan. Inilah akibatnya apabila kita lalai dan cuai mengubati dan membersihkan hati. Kegagalan kita menghidupkan hati akan dipertanggungjawabkan Allah pada hari akhirat kelak.
Kenapa hati mati? Hati mati disebabkan perkara berikut:
* Hati mati kerana tidak berfungsi mengikut perintah Allah iaitu tidak mengambil iktibar dan pengajaran daripada didikan dan ujian Allah.
Allah berfirman bermaksud: "Maka kecelakaan besarlah bagi orang yang keras membatu hatinya daripada menerima peringatan yang diberi oleh Allah. Mereka yang demikian keadaannya adalah dalam kesesatan yang nyata." (Surah al-Zumar ayat 22)
* Hati juga mati jika tidak diberikan makanan dan santapan rohani dengan sewajarnya. Kalau tubuh badan boleh mati kerana tuannya tidak makan dan tidak minum, begitu juga hati.
Apabila ia tidak diberikan santapan dan tidak diubati, ia bukan saja akan sakit dan buta, malah akan mati akhirnya. Santapan rohani yang dimaksudkan itu ialah zikrullah dan muhasabah diri.
Oleh itu, jaga dan peliharalah hati dengan sebaik-baiknya supaya tidak menjadi kotor, hitam, keras, sakit, buta dan mati. Gilap dan bersihkannya dengan cara banyak mengingati Allah (berzikir).
Firman Allah bermaksud: "Iaitu orang yang beriman dan tenteram hati mereka dengan mengingati Allah. Ketahuilah! Dengan mengingati Allah itu tenang tenteramlah hati manusia." (Surah al-Ra'd ayat 28)
Firman-Nya lagi bermaksud: "Hari yang padanya harta benda dan anak-anak tidak dapat memberikan sebarang pertolongan, kecuali harta benda dan anak-anak orang yang datang menghadap Allah dengan hati yang selamat sejahtera daripada syirik dan munafik." (Surah al-Syura ayat 88-89)
Tanda-tanda hati mati
Menurut Syeikh Ibrahim Adham, antara sebab atau tanda-tanda hati mati ialah:
1. Mengaku kenal Allah SWT, tetapi tidak menunaikan hak-hak-Nya.
2. Mengaku cinta kepada Rasulullah s.a.w., tetapi mengabaikan sunnah baginda.
3. Membaca al-Quran, tetapi tidak beramal dengan hukum-hukum di dalamnya.
4. Memakan nikmat-nikmat Allah SWT, tetapi tidak mensyukuri atas pemberian-Nya.
5. Mengaku syaitan itu musuh, tetapi tidak berjuang menentangnya.
6. Mengaku adanya nikmat syurga, tetapi tidak beramal untuk mendapatkannya.
7. Mengaku adanya seksa neraka, tetapi tidak berusaha untuk menjauhinya.
8. Mengaku kematian pasti tiba bagi setiap jiwa, tetapi masih tidak bersedia untuknya.
9. Menyibukkan diri membuka keaiban orang lain, tetapi lupa akan keaiban diri sendiri.
10. Menghantar dan menguburkan jenazah/mayat saudara se-Islam, tetapi tidak mengambil pengajaran daripadanya. Semoga dengan panduan yang di sampaikan itu akan dapat kita sama-sama mengambil iktibar semoga segala apa yang kita kerjakan akan diredai Allah SWT.
Menurut Sheikh Ibni Athoillah Iskandari dalam kalam hikmahnya yang berikutnya;
Sebahagian�daripada tanda mati hati itu ialah jika tidak merasa dukacita kerana tertinggal sesuatu amal perbuatan kebajikan juga tidak menyesal jika terjadi berbuat sesuatu pelanggaran dosa.
Mati hati itu adalah kerana tiga perkara iaitu;
* Hubbul dunia (kasihkan dunia)
* Lalai daripada zikirullah (mengingati Allah)
* Membanyakkan makan dan menjatuhkan�anggota badan kepada maksiat kepada Allah.
Hidup hati itu kerana tiga perkara iaitu;
* Zuhud dengan dunia
* Zikrullah
* Bergaul atau berkawan dengan aulia Allah.
Hati adalah organ paling utama dalam tubuh manusia dan ia nikmat paling agung diberikan Allah. Hati menjadi tempat Allah membuat penilaian terhadap hamba-Nya. Pada hatilah letaknya niat seseorang. Iklan
Niat ikhlas itu akan diberi pahala. Hati perlu dijaga dan dipelihara dengan baik agar tidak rosak, sakit, buta, keras dan lebih-lebih lagi tidak mati. Sekiranya berlaku pada hati keadaan seperti ini, kesannya membabitkan seluruh anggota tubuh manusia. Akibatnya, akan lahir penyakit masyarakat berpunca daripada hati yang sudah rosak itu.
Justeru, hati menjadi amanah yang wajib dijaga sebagaimana kita diamanahkan menjaga mata, telinga, mulut, kaki, tangan dan sebagainya daripada berbuat dosa dan maksiat.
Hati yang hitam ialah hati yang menjadi gelap kerana bergelumang dengan dosa. Setiap dosa yang dilakukan tanpa bertaubat akan menyebabkan satu titik hitam pada hati. Itu baru satu dosa. Bayangkan bagaimana kalau 10 dosa? 100 dosa? 1,000 dosa? Alangkah hitam dan kotornya hati ketika itu.
Perkara ini jelas digambarkan melalui hadis Rasulullah yang bermaksud: "Sesiapa yang melakukan satu dosa, maka akan tumbuh pada hatinya setitik hitam, sekiranya dia bertaubat akan terkikislah titik hitam itu daripada hatinya. Jika dia tidak bertaubat maka titik hitam itu akan terus merebak hingga seluruh hatinya menjadi hitam." (Hadis riwayat Ibn Majah)
Hadis ini selari dengan firman Allah bermaksud: "Sebenarnya ayat-ayat Kami tidak ada cacatnya, bahkan mata hati mereka sudah diselaputi kotoran dosa dengan sebab perbuatan kufur dan maksiat yang mereka kerjakan." (Surah al-Muthaffifiin, ayat 14)
Hati yang kotor dan hitam akan menjadi keras. Apabila hati keras, kemanisan dan kelazatan beribadat tidak dapat dirasakan. Ia akan menjadi penghalang kepada masuknya nur iman dan ilmu. Belajar sebanyak mana pun ilmu yang bermanfaat atau ilmu yang boleh memandu kita, namun ilmu itu tidak masuk ke dalam hati, kalau pun kita faham, tidak ada daya dan kekuatan untuk mengamalkannya.
Dalam hal ini Allah berfirman yang bermaksud: "Kemudian selepas itu, hati kamu menjadi keras seperti batu, bahkan lebih keras lagi. Pada hal antara batu-batu itu ada yang terpancar dan mengalir sungai daripadanya dan ada pula antaranya yang pecah-pecah terbelah lalu keluar mata air daripadanya. Dan ada juga antaranya yang jatuh ke bawah kerana takut kepada Allah sedang Allah tidak sekali-kali lalai daripada apa yang kamu kerjakan." (Surah al-Baqarah ayat 74)
Begitulah Allah mendatangkan contoh dan menerangkan batu yang keras itu pun ada kalanya boleh mengalirkan air dan boleh terpecah kerana amat takutkan Allah. Oleh itu, apakah hati manusia lebih keras daripada batu hingga tidak boleh menerima petunjuk dan hidayah daripada Allah.
Perkara paling membimbangkan ialah apabila hati mati akan berlaku kemusnahan amat besar terhadap manusia. Matinya hati adalah bencana dan malapetaka besar yang bakal menghitamkan seluruh kehidupan. Inilah akibatnya apabila kita lalai dan cuai mengubati dan membersihkan hati. Kegagalan kita menghidupkan hati akan dipertanggungjawabkan Allah pada hari akhirat kelak.
Kenapa hati mati? Hati mati disebabkan perkara berikut:
* Hati mati kerana tidak berfungsi mengikut perintah Allah iaitu tidak mengambil iktibar dan pengajaran daripada didikan dan ujian Allah.
Allah berfirman bermaksud: "Maka kecelakaan besarlah bagi orang yang keras membatu hatinya daripada menerima peringatan yang diberi oleh Allah. Mereka yang demikian keadaannya adalah dalam kesesatan yang nyata." (Surah al-Zumar ayat 22)
* Hati juga mati jika tidak diberikan makanan dan santapan rohani dengan sewajarnya. Kalau tubuh badan boleh mati kerana tuannya tidak makan dan tidak minum, begitu juga hati.
Apabila ia tidak diberikan santapan dan tidak diubati, ia bukan saja akan sakit dan buta, malah akan mati akhirnya. Santapan rohani yang dimaksudkan itu ialah zikrullah dan muhasabah diri.
Oleh itu, jaga dan peliharalah hati dengan sebaik-baiknya supaya tidak menjadi kotor, hitam, keras, sakit, buta dan mati. Gilap dan bersihkannya dengan cara banyak mengingati Allah (berzikir).
Firman Allah bermaksud: "Iaitu orang yang beriman dan tenteram hati mereka dengan mengingati Allah. Ketahuilah! Dengan mengingati Allah itu tenang tenteramlah hati manusia." (Surah al-Ra'd ayat 28)
Firman-Nya lagi bermaksud: "Hari yang padanya harta benda dan anak-anak tidak dapat memberikan sebarang pertolongan, kecuali harta benda dan anak-anak orang yang datang menghadap Allah dengan hati yang selamat sejahtera daripada syirik dan munafik." (Surah al-Syura ayat 88-89)
Tanda-tanda hati mati
Menurut Syeikh Ibrahim Adham, antara sebab atau tanda-tanda hati mati ialah:
1. Mengaku kenal Allah SWT, tetapi tidak menunaikan hak-hak-Nya.
2. Mengaku cinta kepada Rasulullah s.a.w., tetapi mengabaikan sunnah baginda.
3. Membaca al-Quran, tetapi tidak beramal dengan hukum-hukum di dalamnya.
4. Memakan nikmat-nikmat Allah SWT, tetapi tidak mensyukuri atas pemberian-Nya.
5. Mengaku syaitan itu musuh, tetapi tidak berjuang menentangnya.
6. Mengaku adanya nikmat syurga, tetapi tidak beramal untuk mendapatkannya.
7. Mengaku adanya seksa neraka, tetapi tidak berusaha untuk menjauhinya.
8. Mengaku kematian pasti tiba bagi setiap jiwa, tetapi masih tidak bersedia untuknya.
9. Menyibukkan diri membuka keaiban orang lain, tetapi lupa akan keaiban diri sendiri.
10. Menghantar dan menguburkan jenazah/mayat saudara se-Islam, tetapi tidak mengambil pengajaran daripadanya. Semoga dengan panduan yang di sampaikan itu akan dapat kita sama-sama mengambil iktibar semoga segala apa yang kita kerjakan akan diredai Allah SWT.
Menurut Sheikh Ibni Athoillah Iskandari dalam kalam hikmahnya yang berikutnya;
Sebahagian�daripada tanda mati hati itu ialah jika tidak merasa dukacita kerana tertinggal sesuatu amal perbuatan kebajikan juga tidak menyesal jika terjadi berbuat sesuatu pelanggaran dosa.
Mati hati itu adalah kerana tiga perkara iaitu;
* Hubbul dunia (kasihkan dunia)
* Lalai daripada zikirullah (mengingati Allah)
* Membanyakkan makan dan menjatuhkan�anggota badan kepada maksiat kepada Allah.
Hidup hati itu kerana tiga perkara iaitu;
* Zuhud dengan dunia
* Zikrullah
* Bergaul atau berkawan dengan aulia Allah.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Rumah mesra alam pentingkan aliran udara
Kesihatan penghuni boleh terjejas jika tiada proses pertukaran udara di ruang kediaman
ANTARA ciri-ciri rumah mesra alam adalah membenarkan pengaliran udara yang cukup untuk tujuan ventilasi. Dengan adanya pengaliran udara yang cukup akan menyejukkan udara dalam dan mengurangkan kesan kelembapan. Proses pengudaraan semula jadi atau ventilasi udara adalah proses pertukaran udara di dalam bangunan dengan udara dari luar bangunan melalui elemen binaan bangunan yang terbuka.
Masalah utama yang dihadapi oleh penduduk di negara beriklim tropika adalah masalah suhu yang tinggi, pancaran sinaran matahari yang terik dan menyilaukan serta kadar kelembapan yang tinggi. Masalah ini ditambahkan lagi dengan suhu yang dikeluarkan oleh badan manusia itu sendiri. Dalam proses metabolik, badan manusia juga mengeluarkan suhu tertentu kepada alam sekitarnya bagi memelihara dan mengimbang suhu badan mereka. Proses metabolik itu berlaku apabila makanan yang dimakan bertukar menjadi tenaga untuk pergerakan dan pembangunan tisu badan manusia. Oleh itu kepanasan yang diperoleh badan manusia melalui sinaran matahari atau udara panas perlu dikurangkan.
Pertukaran udara yang baik di dalam rumah dapat menghasilkan keselesaan terma. Aliran udara inilah yang mempercepatkan proses pengewapan di permukaan kulit dan membantu memberi kesejukan pada penghuni rumah. Selain itu, pertukaran udara di dalam rumah juga sangat penting untuk kesihatan. Di dalam rumah banyak berlaku pengewapan daripada pelbagai aktiviti seperti memasak, mandi dan mencuci. Wap air ini akan cenderung menyerap memenuhi ruang. Aneka molekul udara yang berbahaya juga banyak terkandung pada bahan yang digunakan di dalam rumah seperti kemasan cat, permaidani atau perabot yang terhasil akibat tindak balas bahan kimia yang terkandung bahan-bahan itu dengan wap air. Akibatnya apabila rumah yang tidak mempunyai pertukaran udara yang baik akan menyebabkan molekul-molekul kimia berkenaan akan tertinggal di dalam ruang dan dihidu oleh penghuni ruang.
Pengaliran udara
Pengaliran udara bermaksud penggantian udara dalaman yang panas dengan udara luaran yang sejuk. Jika tiada penggantian maka tidak berlakulah pengaliran udara. Ada tiga cara pergerakan udara atau angin yang boleh berlaku dan diperoleh iaitu;
Lubang angin di bahagian atas untuk udara panas keluar dari rumah.
Pengaliran udara semula jadi
Berlaku tiupan angin
Perbezaan suhu
Pengaliran udara tidak semula jadi
Peralatan elektrik iaitu kipas angin atau penyaman udara
Tingkap rumah tradisional contoh terbaik pengaliran udara.
Selain itu, untuk memaksimumkan potensi angin untuk pengudaraan, amat perlu aliran pengudaraan berlaku di dalam bangunan. Aliran pengudaraan yang baik adalah dengan mengadakan;
Membina bukaan pada sisi bangunan
Dengan membina banyak bukaan seperti tingkap adalah cara terbaik bagi memudahkan pengaliran udara. Bukaan yang lebih dari satu bukaan dengan posisinya bukaannya secara berhadapan bagi menghasilkan pengudaraan silang atau cross ventilation.
Untuk membolehkan lebih banyak angin memasuki ruang dalaman rumah dari bahagian sisi maka adalah baik setiap sisi terdapat bukaan seperti tingkap atau pintu. Dengan sinar matahari sepanjang hari, jika terlalu panas di satu sisi maka di bahagian sisi yang lain dapat dibuka untuk membolehkan pengaliran udara berlaku.
Membina bukaan pada atas bangunan
Selain itu, bukaan dinding di bahagian atas juga membantu melahirkan aliran udara. Selain daripada berfungsi sebagai pengudaraan, bukaan atas dinding juga berfungsi sebagai lubang cahaya. Bagi mengelak berlaku kemasukan haiwan atau serangga pada bukaan berkenaan maka adalah baik sekiranya ditutup dengan kawat berjaring.
Angin adalah udara yang bergerak. Pergerakan udara berlaku dengan udara bergerak dari tempat bertekanan tinggi ke arah tempat bertekanan rendah. Oleh itu reka letak bukaan dinding atau lubang angin juga perlu diperhatikan fungsinya. Jika fungsinya untuk mengalirkan udara panas keluar dari dalam ruang maka lubang angin mesti diletakkan di bahagian atas. Contoh dengan meletakkan lubang udara atau exhaust fan di dalam bilik air adalah untuk mengalirkan udara panas akibat penggunaan air panas untuk mandi.
Bumbung kecil terangkat
Selain itu, pengaliran udara boleh dilakukan dengan mengadakan binaan seperti bumbung kecil terangkat, Binaan seperti ini adalah cara untuk mengeluarkan bahang udara dari ruang dalaman bangunan. Cara binaan bumbung kecil terangkat adalah dengan membina bumbung kecil yang terletak di atas bumbung utama. Binaan seperti ini bertujuan untuk membenarkan udara yang panas di dalam rumah tidak terperangkap dan boleh keluar melalui bukaan di bahagian atas. Udara ini diganti pula dengan kemasukan udara baru yang masuk melalui tingkap.
Pengaliran udara mekanikal
Pengaliran udara secara mekanikal boleh dilakukan dengan memasang alat pengaliran udara turbin. Cara begini boleh berlaku apabila turbin berpusing ditiup angin maka ia akan menyedut udara panas dalaman dan membuangnya keluar. Sekiranya tiada berlaku aliran atau tiupan angin, udara panas juga akan memusing turbin yang disebabkan oleh kesan tindanan udara.
Beberapa rujukan boleh dilakukan pada binaan rumah tradisional dalam kita cuba untuk mengadaptasi beberapa ciri reka bentuk rumah bersuhu iklim tropika. Reka bentuk rumah tradisional adalah contoh terbaik walaupun kita menghadapi beberapa situasi yang mungkin beberapa ciri berkenaan tidak dapat dilakukan kerana terikat kepada peraturan dari pihak penguasa tempatan (PBT) dan Undang Undang Kecil Bangunan (UBL).
Selain itu, kesan ekonomi, sosial dan keselamatan juga tidak membenarkan kita bertindak dengan membuat banyak bukaan pada dinding dan bumbung bangunan. Sebagai contoh, kesan daripada kekangan ekonomi pihak pemaju akan memaksimum reka letak rumah teres dengan membina secara memanjang dan ini menyebabkan aliran angin akan tersekat. Ini tidak berlaku pada reka letak rumah tradisional yang dibina secara bersilang bagi membenarkan aliran angin tidak tersekat atau berkurangan. Kesan sosial juga diambil kira kerana kalau dahulu rumah tradisional binaannya dibuat secara pelan terbuka kerana tiada binaan dinding di dalam rumah kerana bertujuan membenarkan aliran udara bersilang atau cross ventilation. Bagaimanapun, sekarang rumah moden dibina dinding atau sekatan secara kompleks untuk menyediakan bilik dan paling minimum setiap rumah kediaman mesti menyediakan tiga bilik tidur. Ini untuk mengelak kejadian rogol dan sumbang mahram daripada berlaku.
Faktor keselamatan juga menjadi perhatian utama bagi setiap rumah kediaman ketika ini. Kejadian pecah rumah dan kecurian sering berlaku dan menyebabkan reka bentuk rumah kediaman sekarang ini tidak membenarkan banyak bukaan pada kediaman. Ini menyebabkan banyak reka bentuk dibuat secara tertutup, jika adapun bukaan, pemasangan jeriji terpaksa dilakukan. Jika reka bentuk lebih terbuka ini hendak dilakukan maka perbelanjaan untuk memasang alat penggera keselamatan terpaksa dilakukan.
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