Monday, December 29, 2008

TEMAN tapi mesra. Ungkapan terbabit sering kedengaran di bibir anak muda, tetapi kadangkala mengelirukan bagi sesetengah pihak, namun yang pasti ia merujuk kepada perhubungan antara lelaki dan perempuan.

Berkawan tidak salah, bahkan digalakkan kerana ia selaras dengan fitrah dan membawa banyak manfaat sehinggakan dapat membuatkan hidup lebih ceria.

Cuma, berwaspada apabila kawan lebih daripada had, terlalu rapat dan intim, malah sanggup mengorbankan harga diri.

Justeru, Islam menasihati umatnya sentiasa memelihara kesopanan dan tata cara sepanjang masa, terutama apabila bersosial dan berkawan, supaya kebaikan terjaga.

Ulama tersohor, Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, berkata hubungan di antara lelaki dan wanita tidak ditolak secara keseluruhan.

Bagaimanapun, beliau menggariskan beberapa syarat hubungan di antara kedua-dua jantina terbabit, dengan saling merendahkan pandangan dan memastikan tiada pandangan yang disusuli nafsu.

Menurutnya, wanita Islam juga patut prihatin terhadap kod pakaian Islam, yang menutupi seluruh badan, tidak ketat dan menggambarkan bentuk badan.

"Akhlak yang umum sepatutnya diamalkan. Dalam perkataan lain, seorang wanita sepatutnya serius dalam ucapan dan tertib cara berjalan dan melawan godaan syaitan. Tiada wangian dipakai dari rumah."

Nabi s.a.w bersabda, maksudnya: "Mana-mana wanita yang memakai wangian dan kemudian berjalan melalui sekumpulan lelaki dan mereka mencium wangian itu, dia adalah penzina."

Al-Qaradawi juga berkata, lelaki dan wanita (bukan mahram) tidak dibenarkan bersama di satu tempat yang tiada lelaki lain.

Bagaimanapun, perkembangan mutakhir mendapati fenomena memiliki teman istimewa kian menjadi-jadi, seolah-olah ia suatu kebiasaan.

Bagaimanpun, apabila teman terbabit berkelakuan di luar jangkaan, timbullah keburukan, malah bagi pelajar prestasi pelajaran merosot, selera makan menurun, bahkan untuk hidup pun tidak bersemangat.

Bekas Presiden Masyarakat Islam Amerika Utara (ISNA), Dr Muzammil Siddiqi, berkata Muslim memang sepatutnya mempunyai hubungan yang baik dengan semua orang, lelaki dan wanita, di sekolah, tempat kerja dan kawasan kejiranan.

"Tetapi Islam tidak membenarkan mengambil orang bukan mahram sebagai kawan rapat kerana hubungan seperti itu kerap membawa perkara haram.

"Ini memungkinkan mereka melakukan dosa atau menghabiskan banyak masa bersama," katanya sambil mengemukakan ayat 25 Surah an-Nisa sebagai satu hujah atas dakwaan berkenaan.

Perhubungan intim yang membawa kepada pertemuan sosial atau 'dating' boleh mengundang pelbagai mala petaka, seperti rogol, pembunuhan dan persundalan.

Fenomena itu mula bercambah ketika muzik Barat mula memekik dari kereta dan pasangan muda berpegangan tangan di kafeteria. Malah, seks sebelum perkahwinan menjadi suatu fenomena yang semakin menjadi-jadi sejak era revolusi seks 1960-an.

Jurnal Persatuan Perubatan Amerika ada melaporkan, peningkatan bilangan gadis mengadakan pertemuan sosial, berisiko berdepan dengan kekejaman, hamil, penderaan, bahaya tingkah laku seksual dan membahayakan diri.

Berikutan itu, ramai di kalangan gadis menderita secara senyap, tidak memberitahu sesiapa kerana takut atau malu.

Walaupun sesetengah mereka cuba memilih untuk bersuara bagi mendapatkan pembelaan, ia hanya membabitkan sebilangan kes tertentu.

Hari ini, bukan sedikit anak muda yang berada dalam keadaan mengelirukan dan keterpaksaan, bersama masa depan yang kabur selepas terjebak dalam perhubungan intim dengan pasangan masing-masing.

Oleh itu Islam menasihati umatnya berwaspada apabila bersosial dan jangan sampai merugikan diri dan keluarga.

Hakikatnya berkawan tidak salah tetapi jika melanggar nilai agama lebih-lebih lagi bertemu dan berdua-duaan, ia dilarang sama sekali.

Sheikh Ahmad Kutty, dari Institut Islam Toronto, Kanada, berkata pertemuan sosial tentu tidak dibenarkan.

Menurutnya, Islam melarang umatnya berdua-duaan dengan pasangan berlainan jantina kecuali hubungan persaudaraan atau perkahwinan.

"Tidak dibenarkan menurut kehendak nafsu secara bebas, bergaul sembarangan dan bercampur dengan kawan berlainan jantina," katanya.

Nabi Muhammad s.a.w menegaskan: "Apabila seorang lelaki dan wanita duduk bersama mereka ditemani teman ketiga (yang membisikkan kejahatan kepada mereka)."

Katanya, Allah memerintahkan kita bukan saja menahan diri daripada zina tetapi menjauhi daripadanya.

"Menurut hukum ahli fiqah, perkara yang membawa kepada haram juga diputuskan haram. Justeru, apabila pertemuan sosial itu membawa kepada dosa, ia diputuskan haram.

"Jika untuk mengetahui wanita terbabit bagi tujuan perkahwinan, ia dibenarkan tetapi tertakluk kepada etika Islam," katanya.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

"Fungsi Hati Akal Dan Nafsu"

Pada catatan artikel kali ini, cuba untuk mengajak para sahabat dan pembaca sekalian untuk memimpin seketul daging yang mudah terpengaruh dengan keadaan sekeliling dan mudah ditiup sembilu perasaan serta mudah dibawa berlari.Nama ‘el Qalb’ tidak asing lagi,menjadi taruhan setiap manusia dalam menentukan pilihanraya pada pergerakan anggota tubuh badan,malah pilihanraya yang tidak terpimpin dengan wahyu dan ilmu sudah pasti meninggalkan kesan yang amat pahit pada diri.Musuh ketat pada hati ini tidak pernah kenal masa dan tempat,menanti untuk menyerang di setiap genap penjuru sehingga raja pada anggota badan manusia ini tunduk dengan nafsu serakah.

Kita sering mendengar,tiga kalimah serangkai iaitu hati,akal dan nafsu yang merupakan hakikat diri yang tersedia wujud pada diri manusia setelah ditiupkan roh pada jasad.kefahaman yang mendalam serta kajian yang tidak jemu-jemu adalah amat ditagih dalam kehidupan seharian manusia untuk mengenali sifat pada hati itu sendiri,kecenderungan peranan yang terbaik boleh dimainkan,dan mengoreksi cara untuk mendidiknya.Hati atau nama lain yang di sebut sebagai ‘latifah rabbaniah’ merupakan ketua kerajaan dalam jasad tubuh manusia,dan wadah tempat terletaknya petunjuk atau hidayah Allah Taala.Manakala nafsu dan akal pula dianggap sebagai penasihat paling kanan pada hati,nafsu yang sihat dan terdidik pasti akan membawa pada kebaikan,dan akal yang terpimpin dengan ilmu dan wahyu akan mencernakan tindakkan yang wajar diambil oleh hati.

Nabi junjungan pernah bersabda:
“Sesungguhnya di dalam jasad manusia ada segumpal darah (daging),apabila segumpal darah (daging) itu baik maka baik pula sekalian anggota tubuhnya serta perbuatannya,sebaliknya apabila segumpal darah (daging) itu buruk maka buruk pula sekalian anggota tubuhnya dan perbuatannya.Ketahuilah,ianya adalah hati".

Memperbaiki hati tidak akan sempurna jika kita membiarkan segala bentuk kecacatan,kecelaan dan keaiban yang mengotori dan menguasainya seperti sifat riak,sombong,dengki,ujub,takabur dan sebagainya.Mendandan hati tidak cukup hanya dengan menampakkan keindahan lahiriah,sementara di sebalik itu tersembunyi nafsu syahwat yang buas.Lahir dan batin mesti sehala,kebersihan hati menjadi asas kelurusan perilaku atau akhlak.Perilaku mulia lahir dari ‘Qalbu’ yang bersih.Kebaikan akhlak tanda kewarasan jiwa,penyimpangan dari akhlak yang lurus dan luhur merupakan isyarat sakitnya jiwa.

Meluruskan jiwa yang tidak waras sama halnya dengan mengubati tubuh lahiriah yang sakit.Bagi mereka yang berbadan yang sihat,doktor tidak perlu merawatnya dengan ubat-ubatan,cukup baginya menyediakan aturan memelihara kesihatan.Tetapi,bagi mereka yang tubuhnya sakit,doktor mesti berikhtiar mencari jalan untuk menyembuhkannya.Mengenal pasti penyakit,lalu mengubatinya agar penyakit itu hilang.

Perilaku buruk lahir dari jiwa yang sakit,dan untuk mengubati jiwa yang sakit ini selain mendekatkan diri kepada Allah Taala,juga perlu mengubati perilaku buruk tadi dengan menggantikannya kepada yang baik (sifat terpuji).Seperti juga,penyakit bodoh diubati dengan memberi pengetahuan dan pelajaran,penyakit kedekut diubati dengan latihan mengamalkan sifat pemurah,penyakit sombong diubati dengan membiasakan diri dengan sifat tawadhu',penyakit tamak diubati dengan latihan menahan diri dari segala yang menimbulkan keinginan tanpa ada keperluan,dan membiasakan diri bersedekah ke jalan Allah Taala,begitulah seterusnya.Hati tidak boleh dijernihkan hanya dengan ceramah,perbincangan,halaqah mahupun usrah tetapi lebih dari itu.inilah yang dikatakan sebagai "tarbiah yang berterusan".Disinilah

seseorang bukan hanya akan mendengar nasihat-nasihat, tetapi kadang-kadang latihan-latihan tubi dan berat untuk mengubati penyakitnya perlu disusulkan.

Penawar Nurani

Dalam memberi ubat,seorang doktor atau murabbi tidak boleh memberi kepada pesakitnya dos yang berlebihan kerana kelak ia boleh merosak tubuh,begitu juga sebaliknya.Tidak boleh dos kurang sehingga menyebabkan pesakit tidak juga sembuh.Hati yang sudah terlatih,sudah pasti sudah memadai dengan hanya latihan ringan tapi berterusan agar ianya tidak menjadi racun pada diri sehinggakan jemu untuk melakukannya.Namun begitu,rencana tersusun dan terancang akan menjamin sebuah portrait perjalanan yang indah lagi selamat.

Fenomena tangisan di kalangan manusia hari ini mempunyai maksud yang tersendiri,ini kerana ada yang menangis sebab ditinggalkan orang yang amat dikasihi,sama ada seorang kekasih,ibu bapa,anak-anak,jiran tetangga,sanak saudara terdekat dan seumpamanya.

Terdapat juga yang menangis kerana terlalu gembira sebab bertemu semula dengan orang yang terpisah sejak sekian lama dan setelah memperolehi sesuatu nikmat,ada juga di kalangan mereka yang terlalu mudah untuk mengalirkan air mata apabila menonton sebuah cerita yang berkonsepkan kesedihan dengan pelbagai babak,aksi dan watak dalam filem kesukaan mereka.

Apapun amat sukar hari ini untuk mendapatkan kelompok manusia yang menangis kerana takutkan Allah Taala sebab ia amat terbatas,ini kerana jiwa serta hati mereka tidak terikat melalui hubungan dengan Allah selaku Pencipta dan kita sebagai seorang hamba,atau dengan kata lain hati mereka tidak melalui proses tarbiah seperti yang dialami oleh tokoh-tokoh silam.

Hati manusia hari ini tidak selembut mereka yang terdahulu daripada kita,malah tidak berusaha untuk mencari jalan bagaimana hati tersebut dapat dilunak dan dijinakkan melalui hubungan dengan Allah Taala.Pendek kata, faktor yang menyebabkan manusia hari ini tidak mementingkan persoalan pensucian hati dan jiwa adalah disebabkan mereka tidak menggarap ilmu agama dengan sepatutnya,mereka membiarkan hati tersebut kosong dan akhirnya terjebak dalam kancah yang amat dikutuk oleh Allah Taala.

Justeru,baginda Rasulullah saw pernah memberi wasiat kepada Saidina Ali Bin Abi Talib yang membawa maksud :”Wahai Ali,jika sekiranya berlalu 40 hari di kalangan orang-orang Islam dan mereka tidak duduk (secara langsung) dengan para alim ulama (seperti meuntut ilmu),maka mereka akan ditimpakan oleh Allah Taala dengan dua implikasi semasa hidup mereka,pertama hati mereka menjadi keras dan kedua mereka berani pula (terjebak) melakukan dosa-dosa besar.”

Jelas daripada wasiat baginda saw di atas menunujukkan kepada kita,bahawa apabila seseorang muslim itu yang tidak bersedia untuk duduk bersama alim ulama’untuk belajar daripada mereka,maka dia akan ditimpakan dua perkara,hati keras yang tidak memungkinkan dia mendapat petunjuk daripada Allah Taala malah berani pula melakukan dosa-dosa besar seperti meninggalkan solat,membunuh,meragut, memfitnah Islam,membenci ulama,menderhaka kepada kedua ibu bapa,bahkan berani melanggar perintah Allah,menghina hukum-hukum Islam,meletupkan mangsa yang dibunuh dan banyak lagi yang dianggap sebagai jenayah besar di sisi Allah Taala.Mereka inilah yang akan menempah azab api seksaan neraka yang amat memeritkan di Hari Akhirat kelak.

Fenomena Putaran Hidup

Setiap manusia seharusnya senantiasa mensyukuri nikmat kurnian Allah Taala kepada kita.Kerana nikmatnya menjangkau dari hujung rambut hingga hujung kaki,baik kesihatan tubuh badan,keamanan Negara,hutan yang menghijau,udara yang bersih dan sebagainya.

Allah Taala berfirman;
“….sekirang kalian menghintung nikmat pemberian Allah Taala,nescaya kalian tidak dapat menghintungnya…”
Ibrahim (14;34)

Di situlah hati akan terbentuk mengikut acuan peranannya yang sebenar sepertimana yang telah ditinggalkan oleh mereka terdahulu.Orang yang cerdik akan berusaha merubahkan sesuatu kerugian menjadi keuntungan.Sedangkan orang yang bodoh akan membuat dan melakukan sesuatu musibah menjadi bertumpuk dan berlipat ganda tanpa ada jalan penyelesaian padanya.

Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal,pernah dipenjarakan dan dihukum dera di luar prikemanusian,tetapi kerana perlakuan sedemikian telah meletakkan beliau menjadi sebagai seorang Imam besar salah satu mazhab.Ibn Taimiyyah pernah dipenjara,tetapi justeru dipenjara itu juga beliau dapat melahirkan karya-karya teragung sebagai khazanah untuk generasi akan datang.As Sarakhsi pernah dikurung di dasar perigi selama bertahun-tahun,tetapi ditempat itulah dia menghasilkan sebuah kitab sebanyak 20 jilid.Ketika seorang pemimpin kanan bernama Ibn Atsir dipecat dari jawatannya,beliau berhasil menggarapkan dan menyelesaikan karya terbaiknya iaitu Jami’ul Ushul dan an Nihayah,salah satu kitab paling masyhur dalam ilmu hadith.Mereka-mereka yang disebut ini mempunyai kecekalan hati yang cukup hebat,kerana hati mereka senantiasa berada dalam tarbiah solehah tanpa ada sifat jemu menodai setiap langkah serta gerak kerja yang diimpikan.

Allah Taala berfirman;
“Dan mereka menyungkur atas muka mereka sambil menangis dan mereka bertambah khusyu’”
el Isra’ (17:109)

Itulah sikap dan nilai orang-orang yang beriman sungguh-sungguh kepada Allah Taala,di mana mereka tidak akan mudah mengalirkan air mata melainkan apabila melihat Islam ditekan,diperlakukan dengan sewenang-wenangnya oleh tangan-tangan pengkhianat agama,negara dan bangsa.Keadaan ini amat berbeza sekali dengan orang Islam hari ini yang tidak peka atau prihatin dengan perkembangan semasa yang melibatkan undang-undang Islam yang masih tidak terlaksana dan mereka tidak sedih apatah lagi mengeluarkan air mata kerananya.

Nabi pernah bersabda:
“Seseorang itu tidak akan masuk neraka disebabkan dia menangis kerana takut kepada Allah”
(Hadith riwayat Tirmidzi)


Sesungguhnya baginda Rasulullah saw banyak memberi motivasi kepada umatnya dengan kata-kata hikmat (hadith) yang mampu mengalirkan air mata bagi golongan yang memiliki hati yang sejahtera daripada amalan syirik,nifaq dan menyanggah hukum Allah Taala,tetapi bagi mereka yang keras hatinya daripada amalan terpuji,atau kosong daripada penghayatan agama,walaupun dibacakan ayat el Quran kepada mereka,tetap tidak akan berganjak dan terus berada dalam kesesatan.

Mengenal pasti pesakit yang akan diubati (history of the patient) ,panas atau sejuk?lemah atau kuat? tua atau muda?orang awam atau golongan berpendidikan?Jika dalam hal penyakit badan kita begitu khuwatir dan terus berjumpa doktor,begitulah juga halnya dengan ‘el Qalb’ atau hati kita.Sesungguhnya penyakit hati dan perilaku lebih penting untuk kita beri perhatian.Kerana jika kita gagal dalam usaha mengubati penyakit badan,akibat yang paling berat dan besar hanyalah mati dan seterusnya selesai urusan.Sedangkan penyakit batiniah (hati) jika kita tidak berjaya mengubatinya,ia akan merosakkan kita secara terus menerus,dan ia akan menular pula kepada orang lain dan akan membawa kepada kesengsaraan yang tiada belah kasihan di akhirat.
Peristiwa-peristiwa penting di bulan Muharam

"1 Muharam - Khalifah Umar Al-Khattab mula membuat penetapan kiraan bulan dalam Hijrah

10 Muharam - Dinamakan juga hari 'Asyura'. Pada hari itu banyak terjadi
peristiwa penting yang mencerminkan kegemilangan bagi perjuangan yang gigih dan tabah bagi menegakkan keadilah dan kebenaran.

Pada 10 Muharam juga telah berlaku: Nabi Adam bertaubat kepada Allah.

Nabi Idris diangkat oleh Allah ke langit.

-Nabi Nuh diselamatkan Allah keluar dari perahunya sesudah bumi ditenggelamkan selama enam bulan.

-Nabi Ibrahim diselamatkan Allah dari pembakaran Raja Namrud.

-Allah menurunkan kitab Taurat kepada Nabi Musa.

-Nabi Yusuf dibebaskan dari penjara.

-Penglihatan Nabi Yaakob yang kabur dipulihkkan Allah.

-Nabi Ayub dipulihkan Allah dari penyakit kulit yang dideritainya.

-Nabi Yunus selamat keluar dari perut ikan paus setelah berada di dalamnya selama 40 hari 40 malam.

-Laut Merah terbelah dua untuk menyelamatkan Nabi Musa dan pengikutnya dari tentera Firaun.

-Kesalahan Nabi Daud diampuni Allah.

-Nabi Sulaiman dikurniakan Allah kerajaan yang besar.

-Hari pertama Allah menciptakan alam.

-Hari Pertama Allah menurunkan rahmat.

-Hari pertama Allah menurunkan hujan.

-Allah menjadikan 'Arasy.

-Allah menjadikan Luh Mahfuz.
-Allah menjadikan alam.
-Allah menjadikan Malaikat Jibril.

-Nabi Isa diangkat ke langit.


Monday, December 22, 2008

Mukjizat disebalik BISMILLAH

Dengan nama ALLAH yang maha pemurah lagi maha pengasihani . . .

Mukjizat di sebalik BISMILLAH

BISMILLAH adalah sebutan/nama singkat dari lafaz 'BISMILLAHIR
ROHMAANIR ROHIIM' yang bermaksud 'Dengan nama ALLAH Yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang.'


1.Yang pertama ditulis Qalam adalah BISMILLAH. Maka apabila kamu
menulis sesuatu, maka tulislah BISMILLAH pada awalnya kerana BISMILLAH
tertulis pada setiap wahyu yang Allah turunkan kepada Jibrail.

2.'BISMILLAH untukmu dan umahmu, suruhlah mereka apabila memohon
sesuatu dengan BISMILLAH. Aku tidak akan meninggalkannya sekejap mata pun sejak BISMILLAH diturunkan kepada Adam.' (Hadith Qudsi)

3.Tatkala BISMILLAH diturunkan ke dunia, maka semua awan berlari
kearah barat, angin terdiam, air laut bergelora, mendengarkan seluruh
binatang dan terlempar semua syaitan.

4.Demi Allah dan keagunganNya, tidaklah BISMILLAH itu dibacakan
pada orang sakit melainkan menjadi ubat untuknya dan tidaklah BISMILLAH
dibacakan di atas sesuatu melainkan Allah beri berkat ke atasnya.

5.Barangsiapa yang ingin hidup bahagia dan mati syahid, maka
bacalah BISMILLAH setiap kali memulakan sesuatu perkara yang baik.

6.Jumlah huruf dalam BISMILLAH ada 19 huruf dan malaikat penjaga
neraka ada 19 (QS.AL Muddatsir:30) .Ibnu Mas'ud berkata:
'Sesiapa yang ingin Allah selamatkan dari 19 malaikat neraka maka bacalah
BISMILLAH 19 kali setiap hari.'

7.Tiap huruf BISMILLAH ada JUNNAH (penjaga/khadam) hingga tiap
huruf berkata, 'Siapa yang membaca BISMILLAH maka kamilah kekuatannya dan kamilah kehebatannya. '

8.Barangsiapa yang memuliakan tulisan BISMILLAH nescaya Allah akan
mengangkat namanya di syurga yang sangat tinggi dan diampunkan segala dosa kedua orang tuanya.

9.Barangsiapa yang membaca BISMILLAH maka akan bertasbihlah segala
gunung kepadanya.

10.Barangsiapa yang membaca BISMILLAH sebanyak 21 kali ketika hendak
tidur, maka akan terpelihara dari gangguan syaitan, kecurian dan
kebakaran, maut mendadak dan bala.

11.Barangsiapa yang membaca BISMILLAH sebanyak 50 kali di hadapan
orang yang zalim, hinalah dan masuk ketakutan dalam hati si zalim serta
naiklah keberanian dan kehebatan kepada si pembaca.

Sama-samalah kita mengamalkannya.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Air Mata Taubat Nabi Adam

" Semenjak Nabi Adam terkeluar dari Syurga akibat tipu daya iblis, beliau menangis selama 300 tahun. Nabi Adam tidak mengangkat kepalanya ke langit kerana terlampau malu kepada Allah SWT. Beliau sujud di atas gunung selama 100 tahun. Kemudian beliau menangis lagi sehingga air matanya mengalir di jurang Serantip. Dan air mata Nabi Adam itu Allah tumbuhkan pokok kayu manis dan pokok cengkih. Beberapa ekor burung telah meminum air mata beliau. Burung-burung itu berkata, "Sedap sungguh air ini." Nabi Adam terdengar kata-kata burung itu. Beliau menyangka burung itu sengaja mengejeknya kerana perbuatan derhakanya kepada Allah. Ini membuatkan Nabi Adam semakin hebat menangis. Akhirnya Allah telah menyampaikan wahyu yang bermaksud, "Hai Adam, sesungguhnya Aku belum pernah menciptakan air minum yang lebih lazat dari air mata taubatmu." Begitulah rasa berdosa dan bersalah kepada Allah telah menyebabkan Nabi Adam menangis selama beratus tahun lamanya. Sehingga kemudiannya Allah telah menerima taubatnya dan menjadikan air yang lazat, pohon cengkih dan kayu manis daripada air mata taubatnya itu."

Bagaimana pula dengan kita. Pernahkah kita menangis apabila terbuat dosa? Sesungguhnya airmata taubat dari seseorang manusia itu boleh menyelamatkannya dari bakaran api Neraka.
Doa Untuk Sang Kekasih.......

Bingkisan Doa.
Ya Allah… Seandainya telah engkau catatkan… Dia milikku tercipta buatku… Satukanlah hatinya dengan hatiku… Titipkanlah kebahagian antara kami…. agar kemesraan itu abadi… Dan ya Allah… ya tuhanku yang maha mengasihi… Seiringkanlah kami melayari hidup ini… Ketepian yang sejahtera dan abadi…
Tetapi ya Allah… Seandainya telah engkau takdirkan… dia bukan miliku… Bawalah ia jauh dari pandanganku… Luputkanlah ia dari ingatanku… Dan peliharalah aku dari kekecewaan….

Serta ya Allah ya tuhanku yang maha mengerti… Berikanlah aku kekuatan… Melontar bayangannya jauh ke dada langit… Hilang bersama senja nan merah… agar aku bahagia… Walaupun tanpa bersama dengannya…
Dan ya Allah yang tercinta… Gantillah yang telah hilang… Tumbuhkanlah kembali yang telah patah… Walaupun tidak sama dengan dirinya…
Ya Allah ya tuhanku… Pasrahkanlah aku dengan takdirmu… Sesungguhnya apa yang telah engkau takdirkan… Adalah yang terbaik buat ku… kerana Engkau maha mengetahui… Segala yang terbaik buat hamba Mu ini…
Ya Allah… Cukuplah engkau sahaja yang menjadi pemeliharaku… Di dunia dan di akhirat… Dengarlah rintihan dari hamba Mu yang daif ini… Jangan engkau biarkan aku sendirian… Di dunia ini mahupun di akhirat… Menjuruskan aku kearah kemaksiatan dan kemungkaran… Maka kurniakanlah aku seorang pasangan yang beriman… Supaya aku dan dia sama-sama dapat membina kesejahteraan hidup… Ke jalan yang Engkau redhai… dan kurniakanlah padaku keturunan yang soleh….
Amin.. Ya Rabbal A’lamin.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Sebagai lelaki, pernahkah terfikir untuk menjadikan diri sebagai orang
dikagumi? Bukan saja memiliki perawakan menarik tetapi hadir dalam
satu pakej yang penuh kesempurnaan sehingga menjadi teladan kepada
semua - disayangi isteri, dihormati anak-anak, disanjung keluarga dan
sekali gus berjaya dalam kehidupan dunia akhirat?

Kalaulah anda belum berpunya, pasti ramai yang bakal menjadi
pemujanya. Namun berusahalah menjadi lelaki yang sempurna dan cuba
memenuhi apa yang diinginkan wanita. Jika anda mengidam mendapat
pasangan yang memenuhi segalanya, tidak salah sekiranya mencuba untuk menjadi lelaki yang sesempurna mungkin.

Berikut adalah petua bagaimana hendak memenuhi aspirasi berkenaan dan anda mungkin mampu memenuhinya jika piawaian yang anda ada menepati apa yang dicari golongan hawa.

Pastinya jika ciri itu ada pada diri anda, tentunya anda lelaki paling
bahagia di dunia ini kerana mampu memenuhi kehendak masyarakat, agama dan meletakkan kesempurnaan diri pada tahap yang sewajarnya.

Marilah kita selidiki kalau ciri-ciri atau petua yang dititipkan ini ada pada diri anda atau sememangnya ia sifat semula jadi anda.

1. Pasang niat dan berdoa untuk menjadi suami terbaik. Tanpa berniat
dan berdoa anda tidak mungkin jadi suami yang cemerlang. Ramai suami
terlupa mengenai hal ini.

2. Jika sudah mendirikan rumah tangga, bersyukur kerana mempunyai
pasangan. Yakinlah isteri anda pasangan terbaik yang Tuhan tentukan
untuk anda. Ketentuan Tuhan adalah yang terbaik.

3. Suami € ¦’¸mithali" menjadi kebanggaan isteri. Pastikan anda membentuk sifat positif dan istimewa. Cuba tanya diri apakah sifat atau amalan yang boleh dibanggakan isteri anda.

4. Pastikan anda ada masa untuk berbual dengan isteri setiap hari.
Semua isteri bahagia apabila dapat berbual dengan suami. Berapa minit
yang anda luangkan untuk berbual dengan isteri setiap hari?

5. Setiap hari pulang dengan senyum dan bersemangat. Apabila suami
tersenyum, isteri dan anak-anak akan bahagia dan rahmat Tuhan akan
turun. Senyumlah apabila sampai ke rumah.

6. Pastikan anda bergurau senda dengan isteri di dalam kenderaan
semasa dalam perjalanan ke tempat kerja ataupun ke mana sahaja. Ramai suami membazir masa dengan membisu semasa di dalam kenderaan.

7. Telefon isteri ataupun hantar SMS sekadar untuk menyatakan yang
anda sayang ataupun rindu pada isteri. Isteri anda akan berasa seronok
dan bahagia apabila mendapat panggilan ataupun mesej tersebut.

8. Hiburkan hati isteri anda dengan bercerita, buat lawak atau gurauan
yang mesra. Setiap gurauan mengubat hati isteri dan mengeratkan
hubungan suami isteri.

9. Amalkan makan bersama setiap hari. Berbual mesra dan nasihat
menasihati semasa makan. Amalan ini akan menarik hidayat Tuhan dan
mengeratkan hubungan. Elakkan berbual perkara yang melalaikan semasa makan.

10. Ajak isteri mandi bersama sekali sekala. Bergurau senda semasa
mandi bersama adalah sunnah yang dapat mengeratkan hubungan suami isteri.

11. Bantu isteri melakukan kerja rumah. Ini adalah sunnah yang dapat
meringankan beban isteri, mengeratkan kasih sayang dan membahagiakan pasangan anda.

12. Amalkan mesyuarat keluarga sekerap mungkin. Amalan bermesyuarat menarik hidayat Tuhan, mengeratkan hubungan dan menyelesaikan banyak masalah.

13. Pastikan penampilan anda anggun, kemas, bersih, wangi, sihat dan
ceria. Ramai suami inginkan isteri yang mengancam, tetapi mengabaikan
penampilan diri sendiri. Mana adil ?

14. Didik isteri dengan memberi nasihat dan peringatan secara hikmah.
Jadikan tindakan dan amalan anda sebagai contoh teladan yang
cemerlang. Elakan cakap tak serupa bikin.

15. Berikan nafkah kepada isteri mengikut keperluan keluarga dan
kemampuan suami. Ramai suami mengabaikan nafkah kerana isteri bekerja. Ramai suami yang kedekut dan berkira. Ini menyebabkan isteri derita dan rumah tangga terancam.

16. Jadikan penawar hati kepada isteri. Ambil berat keperluan,
kemahuan dan peka kepada emosi dan situasi isteri. Isteri yang bahagia
membentuk keluarga sejahtera.

17. Sentiasa taat kepada semua perintah Tuhan dan memastikan keluarga juga patuh kepada Tuhan.

18. Suami mithali sentiasa menyimpan rahsia isteri. Ramai suami secara
sengaja ataupun tidak sengaja menceritakan keburukan isteri kepada
orang lain. Ini wajib dihentikan.

19. Muliakan keluarga isteri seperti keluarga sendiri. Ada suami yang
membeza-bezakan antara keluarganya dan keluarga isteri. Ada suami
memusuhi keluarga isteri. Anda bagaimana?

20. Bentuk sifat cemburu yang positif. Cemburu tanda beriman, sayang
dan endah. Suami yang tidak cemburu adalah dayus. Isteri amat suka
apabila suaminya ada sifat cemburu. Dia rasa dihargai.

21. Jadilah suami yang pemaaf. Syurga isteri di bawah tapak kaki
suami. Maafkanlah isteri setiap malam sebelum tidur supaya rumah
tangga bahagia dan isteri mudah masuk syurga.

22. Tegur kesilapan isteri dengan hikmah dan kasih sayang. Isteri
merajuk bukan sebab ditegur tetapi cara ditegur yang kasar. Apabila
suami kasar, isteri jadi takut, bingung, hiba dan memberontak.

23. Gunakan Nabi Muhammad s.a.w sebagai € ¦’¸role model". Hidupkan amalan sunnah dalam rumah tangga. Sebut nama rasul apabila mendidik dan menasihati keluarga bagi mendapat hikmah.

24. Mendahulukan keperluan isteri daripada orang lain. Ini adalah
tertib memberi khidmat. Ramai suami yang melebihkan orang lain
daripada isterinya. Elakan kesilapan ini.

25. Suruh isteri dirikan sembahyang dan ibadah lain. Apabila berjauhan, telefon atau SMS bagi mengingatkan sembahyang. Wasiatkan isteri untuk sembahyang fardu dan sunat. Buat pesanan ini sehingga
suami meninggal dunia.

26. Cintai isteri sepenuh hati. Cintai tanpa syarat, bertambah
mengikut usia, penuh kemaafan, memberi tenaga, tidak pernah sengsara
serta berteraskan iman dan takwa.

27. Sentiasa berubah secara positif. Sebelum cuba ubah isteri dan
keluarga, ubah diri dulu. Apabila suami berubah, keluarga akan turut
berubah. Apabila suami cemerlang, isteri akan gemilang.

28. Pamer keprihatinan yang tinggi terhadap keluarga. Ramai suami
tidak ambil kisah dengan keluarga mereka.Cuba tanya apa lagi khidmat
tambahan yang patut diberikan kepada keluarga.

29. Pamer kematangan yang tinggi. Orang yang matang tenang, sabar,
waras, bijaksana, dapat membuat keputusan dan cekap menyelesaikan masalah.

30. Memuliakan semua perempuan bukan sekadar isterinya. Ramai lelaki
cuba hormat wanita tertentu sahaja. Ramai isteri yang kecewa terhadap
suami yang menghina atau tidak hormat sebarang wanita termasuk
pembantu rumah.

Friday, November 21, 2008

dA aMaZinG bOuT QuRan... ..

Although this makes sense grammatically, the astonishing fact is that the number of times the
word man appears in the Qur'an is 24 and number of times the word woman appears is also 24, therefore not only is this phrase correct in the grammatical sense but also true mathematically, i.e. 24 = 24.

Upon further analysis of various verses, he discovered that this is consistent throughout the whole Qur'an, where it says one thing is like another. See below for astonishing result of the words mentioned number of times in Arabic Qur'an:

Dunia (one name for life) 115. Aakhirat (one name for the life after this world) 115
Malaika (Angels) 88 . Shayteen (Satan) 88
Life 145 .... Death 145
Benefit 50 . Corrupt 50
People 50 .. Messengers 50
Eblees (king of devils) 11 . Seek refuge from Eblees 11
Museebah (calamity) 75 . Thanks 75
Spending (Sadaqah) 73 . Satisfaction 73
People who are mislead 17 . Dead people 17
Muslimeen 41 . Jihad 41
Gold 8 . Easy life 8
Mag! ic 60 . Fitnah (dissuasion, misleading) 60
Zakat (Taxes Muslims pay to the poor) 32 . Barakah (Increasing or blessings of wealth) 32
Mind 49 . Noor 49
Tongue 25 . Sermon 25
Desite 8 . Fear 8
Speaking publicly 18 . Publicising 18
Hardship 114 .... Patience 114
Muhammed 4 . Sharee'ah (Muhammed's teachings) 4
Man 24. Woman 24

And amazingly enough have a look how many times the following words appear:

Salah 5, Month 12, Day 365,
Sea 32, Land 13

Sea + land = 32+13= 45

Sea = 32/45*100=71.11111111%
Land = 13/45*100 = 28.88888889%
Sea + land =100.00%

Modern science has only recently proven that the water covers 71.111% of the earth, while the land covers 28.889%.

Is this a coincidence?
Question is that Who taught Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) all this?

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

The Ideal Husband *

Prophet Muhammad personifies the roles of perfect father and husband. He was so kind and tolerant with his wives that they could not envisage their lives without him, nor did they want to live away from him. He married Sawdah, his second wife, while in Makkah. After a while, he wanted to divorce her for certain reasons. She was extremely upset at this news and implored him, "O Messenger of Allah, I wish no worldly thing of you. I will sacrifice the time allocated to me if you don't want to visit me. But please don't deprive me of being your wife. I want to go to the hereafter as your wife. I care for nothing else" (Muslim).

The Messenger did not divorce her, nor did he stop visiting her.

Once he noticed that Hafsah was uncomfortable over their financial situation. "If she wishes, I may set her free," he said, or something to that effect. This suggestion so alarmed her that she requested mediators to persuade him not to do so. He kept his faithful friend's daughter as his trusted wife.

Separation Calamity

All of his wives viewed separation from the Messenger of Allah as a calamity, so firmly had he established himself in their hearts. They were completely at one with him. They shared in his blessed, mild, and natural life. If he had left them, they would have died of despair. If he had divorced one of them, she would have waited at his doorstep until the Last Day.

After his death, there was much yearning and a great deal of grief. Abu Bakr and `Umar found the Messenger's wives weeping whenever they visited them. Their weeping seemed to continue for the rest of their lives. Muhammad left an everlasting impression on everyone. At one point, he had nine wives and dealt equally with all of them and without any serious problems. He was a kind and gentle husband, and never behaved harshly or rudely. In short, he was the perfect husband.

Each of his wives thought that she was his most beloved.
A few days before his death, he said, "A servant has been allowed to choose this world or his Lord. He chose his Lord" (Al-Bukhari). Abu Bakr, intelligent and smart, began to cry, understanding that the Prophet was talking about himself. His illness got worse daily, and his severe headache caused him to writhe in pain. But even during this difficult period, he continued to treat his wives with kindness and gentleness. He asked for permission to stay in one room, as he had no strength to visit them one by one. His wives agreed, and the Messenger spent his last days in `A'ishah's room.

Most Beloved

Each wife, because of his generosity and kindness, thought she was his most beloved. The idea that any man could show complete equality and fairness in his relationships with nine women seems impossible. For this reason, the Messenger of Allah asked God's pardon for any unintentional leanings. He would pray, "I may have unintentionally shown more love to one of them than the others, and this would be injustice. So, O Lord, I take refuge in Your grace for those things beyond my power." (At-Tirmidhi).

What gentleness and sensitivity! I wonder if anyone else could show such kindness to his children or spouses. When people manage to cover up their lower inborn tendencies, it is as if they have done something very clever and shown tremendous willpower. But they sometimes expose these very defects unconsciously while bragging of their cleverness. The Messenger, despite showing no fault, sought only God's forgiveness.

His gentleness penetrated his wives' souls so deeply that his departure led to what they must have felt to be an unbridgeable separation. They did not commit suicide, as Islam forbids it, but their lives now became full of endless sorrow and ceaseless tears.

The Messenger was kind and gentle to all women, and advised all other men to follow him in this regard. Sa`d ibn Abi Waqqas described his kindness as follows:

`Umar said: One day I went to the Prophet and saw him smiling. "May God make you smile forever, O Messenger of God," I said, and asked why he was smiling. "I smile at those women. They were chatting in front of me before you came. When they heard your voice, they all vanished," he answered still smiling. On hearing this answer, I raised my voice and told them, "O enemies of your own selves, you are scared of me, but you are not scared of the Messenger of God, and you don't show respect to him." "You are hard-hearted and strict," they replied. (Al-Bukhari )

The Messenger discussed matters with his wives as friends.
`Umar also was gentle to women. However, the most handsome man looks ugly when compared to Joseph's beauty. Likewise, `Umar's gentleness and sensitivity seem like violence and severity when compared to those of the Prophet. The women had seen the Messenger's gentleness, sensitivity, and kindness, and so regarded `Umar as strict and severe. Yet `Umar shouldered the caliphate perfectly and became one of the greatest examples after the Prophet. He was a just ruler and strove to distinguish right from wrong. His qualities enabled him to be caliph. Some of his qualities might seem rather severe; however, those very qualities enabled him to shoulder very demanding responsibilities.


The Prophet did consult with his wives. The Messenger discussed matters with his wives as friends. Certainly he did not need their advice, since he was directed by revelation. However, he wanted to teach his nation that Muslim men were to give women every consideration. This was quite a radical idea in his time, as it is today in many parts of the world. He began teaching his people through his own relationship with his wives.

For example, the conditions laid down in the Treaty of Hudaybiyah disappointed and enraged many Muslims, for one condition stipulated that they could not make the pilgrimage that year. They wanted to reject the treaty, continue on to Makkah, and face the possible consequences. But the Messenger ordered them to slaughter their sacrificial animals and take off their pilgrim attire. Some Companions hesitated, hoping that he would change his mind. He repeated his order, but they continued to hesitate. They did not oppose him; rather, they still hoped he might change his mind, for they had set out with the intention of pilgrimage and did not want to stop half way.

Noticing this reluctance, the Prophet returned to his tent and asked Umm Salamah, his wife accompanying him at that time, what she thought of the situation. So she told him, fully aware that he did not need her advice. In doing this, he taught Muslim men an important social lesson: There is nothing wrong with exchanging ideas with women on important matters, or on any matters at all.

She said, "O Messenger of God, don't repeat your order. They may resist and thereby perish. Slaughter your sacrificial animal and change out of your pilgrim attire. They will obey you, willingly or not, when they see that your order is final" (Al-Bukhari).

He immediately took a knife in his hand, went outside, and began to slaughter his sheep. The Companions began to do the same, for now it was clear that his order would not be changed.

The Messenger encouraged us through his enlightening example to behave kindly with women.
Counsel and consultation, like every good deed, were practiced by God's Messenger first within his own family and then in the wider community. Even today, we understand so little about his relationships with his wives that it is as if we are wandering aimlessly around a plot of land, unaware of the vast treasure buried below our feet.

Two Halves

Women are secondary beings in the minds of many, including those self-appointed defenders of women's rights as well as many self-proclaimed Muslim men. In Islam, a woman is part of a whole, a part that renders the other half useful. We believe that when the two halves come together, the true unity of a human being appears. When this unity does not exist, humanity does not exist - nor can prophethood, sainthood, or even Islam.

Our Prophet encouraged us through his enlightening words to behave kindly to women. He declared, "The most perfect believers are the best in character, and the best of you are the kindest to their families" (Abu Dawud and At-Tirmidhi). It is clear that women have received the true honor and respect they deserve, not just in theory but in actual practice, only once in history - during the period of Prophet Muhammad.

This World or the Next

The wives of the Messenger were given the choice of remaining with him or leaving:

[O Prophet, say to your wives: "If you desire the life of this world and its glitter, then come! I will provide for your enjoyment and set you free in a handsome manner. But if you seek God, His Messenger, and the Home of the Hereafter, verily God has prepared for you, the well-doers among you, a great reward."] (Al-Ahzab 33:29)

A few of his wives who wanted a more prosperous life asked, "Couldn't we live a little more luxuriously, like other Muslims do? Couldn't we have at least a bowl of soup every day, or some prettier garments?" At first sight, such wishes might be considered fair and just. However, they were members of the family that was to be an example for all Muslim families until the Last Day.

The Messenger reacted by going into retreat. The news spread, and everyone rushed to the mosque and began to cry. The smallest grief felt by their beloved Messenger was enough to bring them all to tears, and even the smallest incident in his life would disturb them. Abu Bakr and `Umar, seeing the event in a different light as their daughters were directly involved, rushed to the mosque. They wanted to see him, but he would not leave his retreat. Eventually, on their third attempt, they gained entry and began to rebuke their daughters. The Messenger saw what was happening, but only said, "I cannot afford what they want" (Muslim).

The Qur'an declared [O wives of the Prophet! You are not like any other women] (Al-Ahzab 33:32).

Others might save themselves by simply fulfilling their obligations, but those who were at the very center of Islam had to devote themselves fully so that no weakness would appear at the center. There were advantages in being the Prophet's wives, but these advantages brought responsibilities and potential risks. The Messenger was preparing them as exemplars for all present and future Muslim women. He was especially worried that they might enjoy the reward for their good deeds in this world and thereby be included in [You have exhausted your share of the good things in your life of the world and sought comfort in them](Al-Ahqaf 46:20).

Life in the Prophet's house was uncomfortable. For this reason, either explicitly or implicitly, his wives made some modest demands. As their status was unique, they were not expected to enjoy themselves in a worldly sense. Some godly people laugh only a few times during their lives; others never fill their stomachs. For example, Fudayl ibn `Iyad never laughed. He smiled only once, and those who saw him do so asked him why he smiled, for they were greatly surprised. He told them, "Today I learned that my son `Ali died. I was happy to hear that God had loved him, and so I smiled" (Abu Nu`aym, Hilyat al-Awliya'). If there were such people outside of the Prophet's household, his wives, who were even more pious and respectful of God and regarded as Mothers of the Believers, would certainly be of a higher degree.

It is not easy to merit being together with the Messenger in this world and the hereafter. Thus, these special women were put to a great test. The Messenger allowed them to choose his poor home or the world's luxury. If they chose the world, he would give them whatever they wanted and then dissolve his marriage with them. If they chose God and His Messenger, they had to be content with their lives. This was a peculiarity of his family. Since this family was unique, its members had to be unique. The head of the family was chosen, as were the wives and children.

The Messenger first called `A'ishah and said, "I want to discuss something with you. You'd better talk with your parents before making a decision." Then he recited the verses mentioned above. Her decision was exactly as expected from a truthful daughter of a truthful father: "O Messenger of Allah, do I need to talk with my parents? By Allah, I choose Allah and His Messenger" (Muslim).

`A'ishah herself tells us what happened next: "The Messenger received the same answer from all his wives. No one expressed a different opinion. They all said what I had said." They did so because they were all at one with the Messenger. They could not differ. If the Messenger had told them to fast for a lifetime without break, they would have done so and endured it with pleasure. However, they endured hardship until their deaths.

Some of his wives had enjoyed an extravagant lifestyle before their marriage to him. One of these was Safiyyah, who had lost her father and husband and had been taken prisoner during the Battle of Khaybar. She must have been very angry with the Messenger, but when she saw him, her feelings changed completely. She endured the same destiny as the other wives. They endured it because love of the Messenger had penetrated their hearts.

Mothers of the Believers

The Messenger was the perfect head of a family.
Safiyyah was a Jew. Once, she was dismayed when this fact was mentioned to her sarcastically. She informed the Messenger, expressing her sadness. He comforted her saying, "If they repeat it, tell them, 'My father is Prophet Aaron, my uncle is Prophet Moses, and my husband is, as you see, Prophet Muhammad, the Chosen One. What do you have more than me to be proud of?'"

The Qur'an declares that his wives are the Mothers of the Believers (Al-Ahzab 33:6). Although 14 centuries have passed, we still feel delight in saying "my mother" when referring to Khadijah, `A'ishah, Umm Salamah, Hafsah, and his other wives. We feel this because of him. Some feel more love for these women than they do for their real mothers. Certainly, this feeling must have been deeper, warmer, and stronger in the Prophet's own time.

The Messenger was the perfect head of a family. Managing many women with ease, being a lover of their hearts, an instructor of their minds, an educator of their souls, he never neglected the affairs of the nation or compromised his duties.

The Messenger excelled in every area of life. People should not compare him to themselves or to the so-called great personalities of their age. Researchers should look at him, the one to whom angels are grateful, always remembering that he excelled in every way. If they want to look for Muhammad they must search for him in his own dimensions. Our imaginations cannot reach him, for we do not even know how to imagine properly. God bestowed upon him, as His special favor, superiority in every field.

Ideal Father & Grandfather

Prophet Muhammad was an extraordinary husband, a perfect father, and a unique grandfather. He was unique in every way. He treated his children and grandchildren with great compassion, and never neglected to direct them to the straight path and to good deeds. He loved them and treated them tenderly, but did not allow them to neglect matters related to the afterlife. He showed them how to lead a humane life, and never allowed them to neglect their religious duties or to become spoiled. His ultimate goal was to prepare them for the hereafter. His perfect balance in such matters is another dimension of his divinely inspired intellect.

Anas ibn Malik, the Messenger's servant for 10 continuous years, says, "I have never seen a man who was more compassionate to his family members than Muhammad." (Muslim) If this admission were made just by us, it could be dismissed as unimportant. However, millions of people, so benign and compassionate that they would not even offend an ant, declare that he embraced everything with compassion. He was a human like us, but God inspired in him such an intimate affection for every living thing that he could establish a connection with all of them. As a result, he was full of extraordinary affection toward his family members and others.

All of the Prophet's sons died. Ibrahim, his last son, died in infancy. The Prophet often visited his son before the latter's death, although the Prophet was very busy. Ibrahim was looked after by a nurse. The Prophet would kiss and play with him before returning home. (Muslim) When Ibrahim took his last breaths, the eyes of the Prophet started shedding tears. `Abdur-Rahman ibn `Awf said, "O Allah's Messenger, even you (weep)!" The Prophet said, "O Ibn `Auf, this is mercy." Then he wept more and said, "The eyes shed tears and the heart grieves, and we will not say except what pleases our Lord, O Ibrahim ! Indeed we are grieved by your separation." (Al-Bukhari)

The Messenger was completely balanced in the way he brought up his children. He loved his children and grandchildren very much, and instilled love in them. However, he never let his love for them be abused. None of them deliberately dared to do anything wrong. If they made an unintentional mistake, the Messenger's protection prevented them from going even slightly astray. He did this by wrapping them in love and an aura of dignity. For example, once Hasan or Husain wanted to eat a date that had been given to be distributed among the poor as alms. The Messenger immediately took it from his hand, and said, "Anything given as alms is forbidden to us." (Ibn Hanbal, Muslim) In teaching them while they were young to be sensitive to forbidden acts, he established an important principle of education.

Whenever he returned to Madinah, he would carry children on his mount. On such occasions, the Messenger embraced not only his grandchildren but also those in his house and those nearby. He conquered their hearts through his compassion. He loved all children.

He loved his granddaughter Umamah. He often went out with her on his shoulders, and even placed her on his shoulders while praying. When he prostrated, he put her down; when he had finished praying, he placed her on his back again. (Muslim) He showed this degree of love to Umamah to teach his male followers how to treat girls. This was a vital necessity; only a decade earlier, it had been the social norm to bury infant or young girls alive. Such public paternal affection for a granddaughter had never been seen before in Arabia.

The Messenger proclaimed that Islam allows no discrimination between son and daughter. How could there be? One is Muhammad, the other is Khadijah; one is Adam, the other is Eve; one is 'Ali, the other is Fatima. For every great man there is a great woman.

As soon as Fatimah, the daughter of the Messenger, entered the room where the Messenger was, he would stand, take her hands, and make her sit where he was sitting. He would ask about her health and family, show his paternal love for her, and compliment her.

Fatimah, knowing how fond he was of her, loved him more than her own self. Her great mission was to be the seed for godly people. She always watched her father and how he called people to Islam. She wept and groaned when the Messenger told her that he would die soon, and rejoiced when he told her that she would be the first family member to follow him. (Al-Bukhari and Muslim) Her father loved her, and she loved her father.
"the Iraq war is largely about oil."

Former Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan, for years an inscrutable seer on the economy, is causing a stir by alleging in his new memoir that "the Iraq war is largely about oil."

Greenspan, who as head of the US central bank was famous for his tight-lipped reserve, is uncharacteristically direct, also accusing President George W. Bush of abandoning Republican principles on the economy.

"I'm saddened that it is politically inconvenient to acknowledge what everyone knows -- the Iraq war is largely about oil," he wrote in reported excerpts of "The Age of Turbulence: Adventures in a New World," which is set for release on Monday.
However in an interview with The Washington Post, Greenspan clarified that while securing global oil supplies was "not the administration's motive," it had presented the White House with an opportunity to make the case that removing Saddam Hussein was important for the global economy.

"I was not saying that that's the administration's motive," he said in the interview. "I'm just saying that if somebody asked me, 'Are we fortunate in taking out Saddam?' I would say it was essential."

Greenspan's memoir appears 18 months after he left the Fed, following a career that spanned 1987 to 2006, with the US economy at a crossroads and ahead of a critical central bank meeting under the chairmanship of his successor, Ben Bernanke.

The man dubbed "The Oracle" tells his own tale of nearly two decades at the helm of one of the world's most powerful financial institutions and includes surprising swipes at the Bush administration.

US Defense Secretary Robert Gates, while explaining his "respect" for Greenspan, rejected the charge that a thirst for crude explained the decision to invade Iraq in March 2003.

"I know the same allegation was made about the Gulf War in 1991, and I just don't believe it's true," he said on ABC television Sunday.

Members of the US Congress, who by a broad majority also voted to authorize the use of military force against Iraq, also dismissed Greenspan's assertion.
"I don't believe that 77 United States senators on a broad, bipartisan basis would have authorized the use of force ... if it was only about oil," Republican senator John Cornyn told CNN.

Greenspan, a lifelong Republican, writes that he advised the White House to veto some bills to curb "out-of-control" spending while the Republicans controlled Congress.

According to The Wall Street Journal, he says that Bush's failure to do so "was a major mistake."

Republicans in Congress, he writes, "swapped principle for power. They ended up with neither."

"They deserved to lose" in the 2006 elections when the Democrats retook control of Congress, he adds.

A speech by the 81-year-old Greenspan is said to command more than 100,000 dollars, and he reportedly earned an 8.5-million-dollar advance from Penguin Press for the book.

In the bombshell memoir, he puts his own spin on the events surrounding the 1987 stock market crash, the bursting of the Internet bubble and the 2001 recession coinciding with the September 11 terror strikes.

In a blog on the online bookstore, Greenspan says he will share details of his childhood in New York, his years as a jazz musician and his friendship with US presidents.

"After years of talking 'Fedspeak' in carefully calibrated congressional testimony, I could finally use my own voice," Greenspan says with uncharacteristic verve.
"I tackled the personal part first, but then started unraveling the detective story about the economy," Greenspan adds in his blog. "What did all the economic shifts we began to detect in the late 90s mean?"

His memoirs are due out just as the institution he led for so many years holds its most anticipated meeting in years.

On Tuesday, investors around the world will be closely watching the Fed for some sign that might help counter the effects of a US mortgage crisis that has rattled markets and led to a credit squeeze.

Greenspan is increasingly being blamed by some for the crisis. By keeping interest rates so low for so long, some argue, he helped foster the real estate bubble behind much of the current woes.

The former Fed chief said the fall in US housing prices triggered by the subprime credit crisis would likely be bigger than expected.

The drop in property prices "is going to be larger than most people expect," Greenspan told the Financial Times, adding that he would not be surprised if the percentage decline in the United States ended up being "in double digits."

Friday, October 31, 2008


Cantiknya seorang wanita itu, sebagai gadis
bukan kerana merah kilau lipstik
pada bibir mekar senyum kosmetik

Cantik seorang wanita itu, sebagai remaja
tidak pada kulitnya mulus menggebu terdedah
Cantik seorang wanita itu, sebagai Hawa
tidak kerana bijak meruntuh iman kaum Adam
Cantik seorang wanita itu, sebagai anak
tidak menjerat diri pada kedurhakaan.
Cantik seorang wanita itu, sebagai isteri
merempuh badai di sisi suami
Cantik seorang wanita itu, sebagai menantu
menjauhi persekongkolan ipar lamai
Cantik seorang wanitaitu, sebagai ibu
membuai anak, kala suami menjalin mimpi
Cantik seorang wanita itu, sebagai mentua
telus hati mengagih kasih setara pada semua
Cantik seorang wanita itu, sebagai nenek
menjaring teladan para anbia buat cucu-cicit
Cantik seorang wanita itu, sebagai warganegara
peka membela nasib dan maruah negara
Cantik seorang wanita itu, sebagai warga tua
menghitung hari dengan selembar mashaf
Cantik seorang wanita itu, sebagai intelektualis
menyala obor mewangi setanggi profesionalis
Cantik seorang wanita itu, sebagai akidah solehah
mengandam rindu kekasih pasrah di atas sejadah

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Choice of a baby BOY or GIRL ..."INSYAALAH"..

Hope it is useful for some of you in planning stage. For those of you do not have any plan in the near future, you can keep it for future reference.

Man’s sperm consists of X & Y spermatozoa, X spermatozoon decides the female whereas Y is the male. Referring to these physiological properties of the spermatozoa, gynecologists set up the theory of ‘Choice of a girl or a boy’.

1st factor: Food
If you want a baby girl:
Husband must eat more alkaline food, wife eats more acidic food.
If you want a baby boy:
Husband eats more acidic food, wife eats more alkaline food.

Alkaline food: vegetables, fruits, egg white, milk, algae, etc.
Acidic food: meat, seafood, etc.

2nd factor: Timing (When to do it?)
If you want a baby girl:
Frequent copulation during pre-ovulation period.
If you want a baby boy:
Copulating just before ovulation or just after ovulation.

How to confirm ovulation period:
Body temperature increases (you may want to use SPC chart to monitor your body temperature here).

3rd factor: Penetration (How to do it?)
If you want a baby girl:
Husband to avoid deep penetration in the female vagina during copulation.
If you want a baby boy:
Deep penetration by the husband is suggested.

Characteristics of X & Y spermatozoa
- X: Marathon runner with good stamina
- Y: Sprinter but poor stamina
So, with deep penetration, the chances for Y to reach destination will be higher.

4th factor: Stimulation
If you want a baby girl:
Wife should avoid stimulation during copulation. Secretion from female vagina becomes alkaline when stimulated, therefore this promotes the activity of Y spermatozoon.
If you want a baby boy:
Husband ejaculates after wife has been stimulated.

5th factor: Wife’s Preparation
If you want a baby girl:
Rinse the vagina with solution dissolving 2 spoonfuls of white vinegar in 1 liter of water. Since an acidic condition decreases activity of Y spermatozoon.
If you want a baby boy:
Rinse the vagina with solution dissolving 2 spoonfuls of soda in 1 liter of water.

6th factor: Positioning
If you want a baby girl:
Female to be on the top position & male to be on the bottom position.
If you want a baby boy:
Male to be on the top position & female to be on the bottom position. This posture allows the Y spermatozoon to reach the destination faster.

The wisdom of our (?) ancestors!
For those planning to have a baby & those who will need to plan in future, the chart below may help you to predict the sex of your future child.
The accuracy of the chart has been proved by thousands of People and is believed to be 99 percent accurate.
Believe it or not.


AGE 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

MONTH 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
1 G B G B G B B G B G B G B B
2 B G B G B B G B G B G B G G
3 G B G G B G B B B G B G G B
4 B G B G G B B G G B G G G G
5 B G B G B B G G G G G B G G
6 B B B G G G B B B G G B G G
7 B B B G G B B G G B B B G G
8 B B B G B G G B B B B B G G
9 B B B G G B G B G B B B G G
10 B B G G G B G B G B B G G G
11 B G B G G B G B G G G G B G
12 B G B G G G G B G B G G B B

AGE 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
MONTH 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
1 B G B B G B G B G B G B B G
2 G B G B B G B G B G B G B B
3 B B B G B B G B G B G B G B
4 G B G B G B B B B G B G B G
5 G G G G B G B B G B G B B G
6 G G G G G B G G B G B G B G
7 G G G G G G B G B B G B G B
8 G B G B G B G B G B B G B G
9 G G G G B G B G B G B B G B
10 G G G G B B G B G B G B B G
11 G G B B B G B G B G B B G B
12 B B B B B B G G G B G B G B

You can choose for yourself whether you want a boy or a girl by following the chart. The woman’s age from 18 to 45 (Chinese reckoning) is on the top line while the months Jan to Dec indicate the month when the baby is conceived. By following the chart you will be able to tell in advance whether your baby will be a boy or a girl. Thus, you can plan to have a boy or a girl.

This chart has been taken from a Royal tomb near Peking, China. The original copy is kept in the institute of Science of Peking. The accuracy of the chart has been proved by thousands of People and is believed to be 99 percent accurate. By reckoning, you follow a line drawn from the figure representing the woman’s age to a line drawn from the month the baby is conceived.
For instance, if the woman is 27 years old and her baby is conceived in Month 1 (according to the Chinese Lunar Calendar), then her baby will be a girl. The chart is based on the month the baby is conceived and not on the birth of the baby, B-Male, G-Female.

Remarks: A Chinese Scientist discovered and drew this chart which was buried in a Royal tomb about 700 years ago.

Monday, October 27, 2008

"Petua untuk kaum ibu menjaga diri agar sentiasa jadi macam 'abqaro' menurut ayat di dalam Surah al-Waqiah."

("Abqaro" ini bermaksud perawan yang sentiasa menjadi perawan) Ayat ini elok untuk diamalkan setiap hari oleh kaum ibu untuk menjaga kesihatan luar dan dalam.

Lepas solat Isya', ambil air segelas, baca Al-Fatihah sekali, Ayatul Qursi sekali dan Surah Al-Waqiah ayat 35-38 sebanyak 7 kali. Tiup dalam air dan minum. Niat dlm hati utk menjaga kecantikan diri & utk kebahagiaan rumahtangga.

Makna surah Al-Waqiah ayat 35-38:

(56.35) Sesungguhnya Kami telah menciptakan isteri-isteri mereka dengan ciptaan istimewa,

56.36) Serta Kami jadikan mereka sentiasa dara
(yang tidak pernah disentuh),

(56.37) Yang tetap mencintai jodohnya, serta yang sebaya umurnya,

(56.3 (Semuanya itu disediakan) bagi puak kanan.

Poligami panjang umur

LONDON: Satu kajian terbaru mendakwa amalan beristeri ramai atau poligami boleh memanjangkan usia lelaki yang mengamalkannya.

Penyelidik Universiti Sheffield, Virpi Lummaa. berkata kajian terbabit melihat perbezaan sosio ekonomi membabitkan lelaki berusia lebih 60 tahun dari 140 negara.

Apa didapati, lelaki yang mengamalkan poligami terbukti mempunyai usia purata 12 peratus lebih panjang, berbanding lelaki di 49 negara yang kebanyakannya hanya berkahwin sekali.

“Hasil kajian itu berkemungkinan menjawab teka-teki biologi manusia. Bagaimanakah manusia mampu panjang umur dan persoalan itu ternyata wajar apabila melihat wanita yang boleh hidup melewati tempoh selepas menopaus.

“Ini dikenali sebagai ‘kesan nenek’ yang mana bagi setiap 10 tahun seorang wanita mampu hidup melewati menopaus, dia mendapat dua cucu baru.

“Keadaan sebaliknya bagi lelaki kerana tenaga batin mereka masih berfungsi melangkaui usia 60-an, 70-an dan 80-an. Ramai penyelidik beranggapan, faktor tenaga batin itu menjadi kunci usia panjang mereka,” kata Lumaa. - Agensi

Jangan tengok tajuk tu , hayati keindahan isinya , begitulah satu persatu bukti – bukti saintifik dizahirkan , betapa islam itu membawa sesuatu yang indah , baik , sempurna , dan segala – galanya ,

Habis , mengapa wajah poligami di kalangan orang islam , khususnya wanita sangat buruk dan hodoh di Malaysia khususnya dan dunia amnya ???


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

All praise is due to Allah. I testify that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allaah and that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger saws.

I enjoin you and myself to fear Allah, for it is the provision and safety in this world and the Last Day, ‘the day when neither wealth nor sons will avail, except him who brings to Allah a clean heart’ .

Allah says,

“Everyone shall taste death. And only on the day of Resurrection shall you be paid your wages in full. And whoever is removed away from the fire and admitted to Paradise he indeed is successful. The life of this world is only the enjoyment of deception (a deceiving thing).” (Aal-Imraan 3: 175)

Such is the reality of death and what comes after it. Every one of us shall taste it whether poor or rich; healthy or sick, old or young; leader or led and none of us can escape it.

Allah says,

“Wheresoever you may be, death will overtake you even if you are in a fortress built up strong and high.”(An-Nisaa 4: 78).

Death, as manifested in its character and effects is one of the mysteries that dazzles human intelligence because it has to do with the soul.

Allah says,

“And they ask you (O Muhammad) concerning the spirit. Say: ‘The spirit is one of the things, the knowledge of which is only with my Lord. And of knowledge, you (mankind) have been given only a little.” (Al-Israa’ 17: 85)

One of it mysteries is that you see a youth who was full of health and energy suddenly falls dead without warning; thereby making that youthfulness and energy fade away, bringing all his senses to a complete standstill. That youth might even be an erudite scholar, an eloquent author, a skilled physician or brilliant inventor but it is absolutely out of the question that this quality should prevent death from overtaking him when his time is due.

Allah says,

“When their term is reached, neither can they delay it nor can they advance it an hour (or a moment).” (Yoonus 10: 49).

‘Amr bin Abdullah used to mount the pulpit and say,

“Many a person who has seen the beginning of a day but would not see it’s end. And many a person who has expected morning but would not live to see it. If only you had known your appointed time and how it comes to pass, you would have detested nursing hope for worldly materials and its deception.”

While man enjoys his good health, playing and merrymaking, moving about in haughtiness, commanding and forbidding, death and illness suddenly attacks him, weakens his body, makes his limbs lifeless and then closes his record.

How near is death! Every day it becomes closer to us and no sooner has the book reached its appointed time that we belong among the dead. Then it becomes clear that life is really like flowers that bloom then afterwards wither or like a lamp that illuminates then afterwards dies down.

Let those who crave for this world and its pleasures ponder over these scattered graves all over the place and realize that the way to pleasures and lustful things, though decorated with beautiful roses inevitably leads to the present condition of those buried in these graves. Happiness is for him whom a messenger of death has opened his eyes to reality before he died, and whoever does not heed to the warning of the Qur’an and death, even if mountains were to thrust one another in front of him, he would not heed.

Dear brothers! What we witness in the cemeteries is a great lesson for us. The carrier of the bier to the cemetery today is taken back there tomorrow (as a dead person) and is left there only with his deeds either good or evil.

It is also very unfortunate that in these days we see some among those who escort the deceased laughing and playing or attending the funeral for showing off. This phenomenon is due to the heedlessness that has hardened people’s hearts and made them forget the Last Day and the frightening conditions of the grave. May Allah awaken us from this heedlessness!

Brothers in faith! It is expected of him who knows that he will die, be buried, raised up on the day of Resurrection and enter Paradise or Hell to always remember death, prepare for it and reflect on it. He is in fact expected to regard himself among the dead. This is because all that is coming is near and when the angel of death comes neither your wealth nor your people can prevent him from taking your soul.

Where are those who achieved their aims and none were comparable to them in that? They collected but could not eat what they collected; they built mansions but could not live there! We on our part are still swimming in the pool of life as if we are meant to live here forever. Uways Al-Qarnee said,

“Remember death when you sleep and always think of it when you are awake.”

Fellow Muslims! It is a fact that this world and its tribulations appear insignificant in the eyes of him who always remembers death, for, he has lofty aims and strong resolutions; he is far from hypocrisy and always yearns for the everlasting bliss in the eternal Paradise.

Dear Brothers! Remembering death does not in any way make one’s life loathsome to him; forcing him to sit in his home and leave all means of sustenance. It is rather meant to deter him from committing sins and soften his hard heart. We remember death in order to have good preparation for it and for all that follows it by doing righteous deeds, obeying Allaah and increasing one’s efforts in all acts of worship.

Abdur-Rahman ibn Mahdee said,

“If Hammaad bin Salamah is told, ‘You will die tomorrow.’ He will not be able to increase anything in his deed, because his time is full of worship and remembrance of Allah."

How do we prepare for death? We prepare for death by shunning all abominable things and returning trusts to their rightful owners. We prepare for death by eliminating hatred and enmity from our hearts. We prepare for death by being good to the kith and kin.

Ibn al-Mubaarak said that Saalih Al-Mariy used to say,

“If the remembrance of death leaves me for an hour my heart becomes spoilt.”

It is also said that,

“Whoever frequently remembers death is honoured with three things: quick repentance, self-contentedness and energy in doing acts of worship; and whoever forgets death is punished with three things: delaying repentance, lack of contentedness and laziness in acts of worship.”

When will one who always follows his lustful desires and moves wantonly in his heedlessness remember death? When will one who has no regard for Allah’s injunctions in Halaal or Haraam remember death? When will one who deserts the Qur’an, prays not Fajr in congregation, usurps people’s property unlawfully, takes usury, and commits fornication, remember death? How can one whose habit is slandering others and backbiting, whose heart is full of rancour and envy remember death?

Fellow Muslims! The Prophets, whenever death came to them were given a chance of choosing between remaining on this world and moving to that noble position. It is beyond doubt that every Prophet would select the everlasting bliss. This happened to Prophet Muhammad, as narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim on the authority of A’isha that she said,

“The Messenger of Allah saws used to say while he was healthy, ‘No Prophet died until he saw his place in the Paradise, he was then given the choice between that place and remaining in this world.’ So when he was dying and his head was on my thigh, he fainted for a while then regained his consciousness. He stared at the ceiling, then said, ‘O Allah! I choose the Highest Companionship.’ I then said, ‘He was not preferring us.’ It was then that I understood statement he used to tell us and it was true. She said, ‘The last word he uttered was: `Oh Allah, I choose the Highest Companionship.`”

During death and its pain; in the grave and its darkness; and the Day of Resurrection and its horror people fall into two groups. A group shall remain firm; secured from fright and given glad tidings of Paradise while the other group shall suffer disgrace and ignominy.

Allah says,

“Verily, those who say, ‘Our Lord is Allah (alone) and then stood straight, on them the angel will descend (at the time of their death saying,) ‘Fear not, nor grieve! But receive the glad tidings of Paradise which you have been promised.’” (Fussilat 41: 30)

Angels shall descend upon the believers who are straight in their religion during death in their graves and when they are resurrected in order to assure them of security and to allay their fears of the horror of the day of judgement. The angels will be telling them,

‘Do not fear about what you are going to meet and do not grieve over what you will be leaving behind of children, family and wealth.’

The angels will also say,

‘We have been your friends in the life of this world and (are so) in the hereafter.’ (Fussilat 41: 31)

i.e. we will also be your friends in the hereafter, keeping your company in your graves and when the horn is blown, we will also assure you of security on the day of resurrection.

As for the unbelievers, when death comes to them and they start suffering its agonies, they will be subjected to ignominy and disgrace.

Allah says,

“And if you could but see when the wrongdoers are in the agonies of death, while the angels are stretching forth their hands saying, “Deliver your souls! This day you shall be recompensed with the torment of degradation because of what you used to utter against Allah other than the truth. And you used to reject His ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) with disrespect.” (Al-An’aam 6: 93).

Their sorrow shall increase so much so that they will wish to go back to this world.

Allah say,

“Until when death comes to one of them, he says, ‘My Lord send me back.’” (Al-Mu’minun 23: 99).

Qataadah said while commenting on this verse,

“By Allah, he would not wish by this statement to go back to his family and wealth nor to collect the good things of this world and satisfy his desires. He would rather wish to go back and do acts of obedience to Allah. May Allah bless him who does in this life what the disbelievers would wish to do when he sees the torment of Hell!’

Fellow Muslims! How is the need of a dying Muslim to Allaah’s success that his last words may be, “Laa ilaaha illa Allah”. Mu’aadh bin Jabal narrated that the Prophet said,

“Whoever has ‘La ilaha illa Allah’ as his last words will enter Paradise.”

Ibn Al-Qayyim said,

“Dictating this word to a dying man is recommended because one who is dying experiences horrors that were unknown to him before, so it is feared that forgetfulness might overtake him since Satan is close to human beings. Moreover, uttering this statement while dying has a great effect in erasing ones misdeeds because it is a testimony of a slave of Allah who believes in it and knows its meanings; for whose lustful desires are now dead and whose soul has become weak after its might. Then that testimony becomes his last utterance, it purifies him from all his sins because he meets with his Lord with a sincere testimony…”

The righteous predecessors also recommended that a dying person be reminded of his good deeds, so that he can have positive thoughts about his Lord. Jaabir narrated: The Messenger of Allah saws said,

“None of you should die except in the state of having positive thoughts about Allah.” (Muslim).

The Sunnah encourages talking about good deeds of a dead person and abstaining from talking about his misdeeds. Al-Bukhari reported on the authority of Aa’isha that she narrated,

‘The Prophet saws said, “Do not abuse the dead; for they have gone to meet the consequences of their deeds.”’

In Saheeh Al-Bukhari, Abul-Aswad said,

“I came to Medinah while there was an epidemic there. I sat with ‘Umar ibn al-Khattab. Then a funeral procession passed by and people praised its owner. ‘Umar said, “It becomes incumbent.” Then another funeral procession passed by and people also praised its owner, and ‘Umar said, “It’s incumbent;” then a third procession passed by and people spoke ill of its owner. ‘Umar also commented, “It becomes incumbent.” Then I said, “What is incumbent, O Leader of the Faithful? ‘Umar answered, “I said as the Prophet saws said, that, “Any dead Muslim whom four persons testify in his favour, Allaah will make him enter Paradise, We said, “And three persons?” He said, “And three persons.” We also said, “And two persons?” He said, “Yes, and two persons.” We did not thereafter ask him of one person.”

It should be added that those whose testimony is regarded are the people of virtue and truthfulness. The testimony of an enemy shall not be considered.

It is also recommendable that the person who washes the dead should conceal whatever defects he may see on him. It is also a right of a Muslim on his fellow Muslims to escort his funeral, pray on him and supplicate for him. In Saheeh al-Bukhari, Abu Hurayrah narrated that the Prophet saws said:

“Whoever attends the funeral of a Muslim faithfully and hoping for the reward of Allaah and stays with him until Salaah is done on him and he is buried, he will go back home with two qeeraats, each is as big as the size of Mount Uhud; and whoever observes Salaah on him and then goes back before he is buried will get one qeeraat.”

As regards debts, the family of the deceased should hasten to pay it because a believer’s soul hangs on his debt until it is paid on his behalf. Debts of Allah should also be promptly paid for, it is more deserving to be paid. Ibn Mas’ood said,

"A Believer has no rest until he meets Allah.”
Terapi solat

KAJIAN saintifik tiga pensyarah Universiti Malaya membuktikan solat yang diwajibkan kepada umat Islam setiap hari, bukan hanya amalan kerohanian tetapi terbukti mempunyai hikmah tersirat terhadap fizikal dan mental terutama meningkatkan tahap kesihatan manusia.

SOLAT sebagai rukun Islam yang wajib dilakukan setiap umat Islam sudah banyak dikaji dari sudut kerohanian.

Bagaimanapun, pernahkah kita berfikir mengenai pengertian setiap gerakan solat seperti qiyam, rukuk, sujud, duduk antara dua sujud serta tahiyat awal dan tahiyat akhir.

Adakah gerakan itu hanya sekadar gerakan tubuh yang tidak mempunyai makna?

Kajian sains moden mendedahkan bahawa amalan yang dilakukan lima kali setiap hari bukan hanya suatu amalan kerohanian yang mendekatkan hamba kepada penciptanya. Kehebatan solat ternyata memanfaatkan tubuh manusia.

Hasil kajian saintifik membuktikan kewajipan terhadap setiap umat Islam mempunyai hikmah tersirat terhadap fizikal dan mental manusia.

Ng Siew Chok memakaikan topi elektrod untuk mengkaji gelombang otak.

Lebih membanggakan bukti itu diperoleh hasil kajian anak tempatan, termasuk seorang bukan Islam. Mereka adalah pensyarah Jabatan Kejuruteraan Biomedikal di Fakulti Kejuruteraan Universiti Malaya (UM) yang diketuai Profesor Madya Dr Fatimah Ibrahim bersama Profesor Wan Abu Bakar Wan Abas dan Ng Siew Cheok.

Penggerak kajian ini ialah Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi dan melalui geran Jabatan Perdana Menteri (JPM), kajian itu bermatlamat menentukan nilai terapeutik solat terhadap mereka yang melakukan solat, termasuk dari segi sistem kardiovaskular, komposisi tubuh, isyarat otak dan aktiviti otot.

Dr Wan Abu Bakar ketika memperjelaskan kajian itu berkata, mereka adalah jurutera bioperubatan yang mengkaji tubuh manusia dari segi kejuruteraan.

Katanya, kajian itu cuba melihat apa yang sebenar berlaku kepada fizikal dan mental manusia ketika melakukan solat.

SOLAT terbukti mempunyai hikmah tersirat terhadap fizikal dan mental manusia.

“Kajian dibahagikan kepada beberapa bahagian, iaitu saya mengkaji aktiviti otot, Siew Chok mengkaji isyarat otak, iaitu apa yang berlaku kepada gelombang otak ketika solat. Dr Fatimah mengkaji komposisi tubuh,” katanya.

Beliau berkata, hasil kajian mendapati bahawa ada banyak perkara positif apabila seseorang melakukan solat dan ini dimuatkan dalam buku `Solat: Kebaikan Dari Perspektif Sains’ terbitan Jabatan Kejuruteraan Biomedikal. Buku ini mempunyai dua versi, bahasa Melayu dan Inggeris.

Setakat ini, kajian itu adalah yang pertama dilakukan secara saintifik di negara ini. Bagaimanapun, sudah ada beberapa kajian yang sama, tetapi tidak menyeluruh dan lengkap seperti yang dilakukan UM.

Seorang doktor perubatan dari Indonesia, Prof Dr Moh Sholeh, melakukan kajian khusus terhadap solat tahajud.

Beliau mengambil sampel darah, hormon tekanan (stress) dan imuniti dalam badan. Selepas tiga bulan melakukan solat, sampel diambil lagi dan didapati imuniti meningkat dan hormon tekanan menurun. Rumusannya solat tahajud boleh merawat barah.

Kajian lain dilakukan oleh tiga doktor perubatan dari Universiti Hokkaido di Jepun, iaitu Mohammed Faruque Reza, Yuji Urakami dan Yukio Mano, yang mendapati bahawa posisi tubuh (posture) solat boleh merawat warga tua yang sakit tulang.

Dr Wan Abu Bakar berkata, kajian sepatutnya berakhir tahun ini, tetapi jabatan mempunyai beberapa cadangan baru bagi memperluaskan kajian itu.

Memperjelaskan kajian lanjutan itu, Dr Fatimah yang mengetuai kajian berkata antara bidang baru yang akan dikaji ialah mengenai perbezaan solat antara orang biasa dan ulama.

“Kajian itu akan mengkaji isyarat otak ulama dan orang biasa ketika bersolat. Adakah isyarat otak orang alim adalah lebih tenang berbanding orang biasa kerana kita menjangka mereka memahami bahasa al-Quran,” katanya.

Bagaimanapun, katanya sukar untuk mendapat ulama secara sukarela menyertai ujian ini. Beliau memberi jaminan bahawa identiti mereka yang menyertai ujian dirahsiakan dan hanya dinyatakan sampel adalah dari kumpulan tertentu.

Berbanding kajian awal yang mengesahkan solat memberi banyak kebaikan kepada kesihatan manusia, katanya kajian lanjutan memperjelaskan proses solat merawat pelbagai penyakit.

Mengambil Erektil Disfungsi (ED) atau mati pucuk sebagai contoh, katanya kajian awal yang dilakukan mengesahkan bahawa solat memberi kesan positif untuk merawat ED, tetapi mereka ingin mengkaji cara gerakan solat merawat penyakit itu.

"Ini adalah tanda pertama dari Allah SWT kepada hambanya dan hanya
akan disedari oleh mereka yang dikehendakinya. Walaubagaimanapun
semua orang Islam akan mendapat tanda ini cuma samada mereka sedar
atau tidak sahaja. Tanda ini akan berlaku lazimnya selepas waktu Asar.

Seluruh tubuh iaitu dari hujung rambut sehingga ke hujung kaki akan
mengalami getaran atau seakan-akan mengigil. Contohnya seperti daging
lembu yang baru saja disembelih dimana jika diperhatikan dengan
teliti kita akan mendapati daging tersebut seakan-akan bergetar.
Tanda ini rasanya lazat dan bagi mereka yang sedar dan berdetik di
hati bahawa mungkin ini adalah tanda mati maka getaran ini akan
berhenti dan hilang setelah kita sedar akan kehadiran tanda ini.
Bagi mereka yang tidak diberi kesedaran atau mereka yang hanyut
dengan kenikmatan tanpa memikirkan soal kematian, tanda ini akan
lenyap begitu sahaja tanpa sebarang munafaat.
Bagi yang sedar dengan kehadiran tanda ini maka ini adalah peluang
terbaik untuk memunafaatkan masa yang ada untuk mempersiapkan diri
dengan amalan dan urusan yang akan dibawa atau ditinggalkan sesudah mati.


Tanda ini juga akan berlaku sesudah waktu Asar. Bahagian pusat kita
akan berdenyut-denyut. Pada ketika ini daun yang tertulis nama kita
akan gugur dari pokok yang letaknya di atas Arash Allah SWT.
Mak a Malaikat Maut akan mengambil daun tersebut dan mula membuat
persediaannya ke atas kita, antaranya ialah ia akan mula mengikuti
kita sepanjang masa. Akan terjadi Malaikat Maut ini akan
memperlihatkan wajahnya sekilas lalu dan jika ini terjadi, mereka
yang terpilih ini akan merasakan seakan-akan bingung seketika.
Adapun Malaikat Maut ini wujudnya cuma seorang tetapi kuasanya untuk
mencabut nyawa adalah bersamaan dengan jumlah nyawa yang akan dicabutnya.


Adapun tanda ini akan diberikan hanya kepada mereka yang diuji dengan
musibah kesakitan di mana orang sakit yang tidak makan secara
tiba-tiba ianya berselera untuk makan.


Pada ketika ini akan terasa denyutan di bahagian tengah dahi kita
iaitu diantara dahi kanan dan kiri. Jika tanda ini dapat dikesan maka
berpuasalah kita selepas itu supaya perut kita tidak mengandungi
banyak najis dan ini akan memudahkan urusan orang yang akan
memandikan kita nanti.

Ketika ini juga mata hitam kita tidak akan bersinar lagi dan bagi
orang yang sakit hidungnya akan perlahan-lahan jatuh dan ini dapat
dikesan jika kita melihatnya dari bahagian sisi. Telinganya akan layu
dimana bahagian hujungnya akan beransur-ansur masuk ke dalam.
Telapak kakinya yang terlunjur akan perlahan-lahan jatuh ke depan dan
sukar ditegakkan.


Akan berlaku sesudah waktu Asar di mana kita akan merasakan satu
denyutan di sebelah belakang iaitu di kawasan ubun-ubun di mana ini
menandakan kita tidak akan sempat untuk menemui waktu Asar keesokan


Akan berlaku keadaan di mana kita akan merasakan satu keadaan sejuk
di bahagian pusat dan ianya akan turun ke pinggang dan seterusnya
akan naik ke bahagian halkum.
Ketika ini hendaklah kita terus mengucap kalimah syahadah dan berdiam
diri dan menantikan kedatangan malaikatmaut untuk menjemput kita
kembali kepada Allah SWT yang telah menghidupkan kita dan sekarang
akan mematikan pula.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

5 Pantangs When It Comes To "Long Term Investment"

When it comes to long-term investment...

1) What’s the point of saying “I’ll just hold for long-term” when in fact it’s actually a failed and miscalculated short-term speculation?

2) What’s the purpose of holding long-term onto a stock if someday it ran into a huge problem like credit crisis and need to issue more shares to raise capital thus diluting shareholders’ value?

3) What’s the use of being persistently stubborn and adamant with what you thought is right when the majority and time has proved you wrong?

4) What’s so great of a 100% return of your stock investment if it takes ten years to achieve? After all, it’s actually only 7.2% annual return, not to mention the inflation rate that you have yet to take account. (Assuming no dividend)

5) What the hell were you thinking when you say “It’s alright for me to buy high, since it’s going to reach higher in the long-run”?

25 golden rules on trading taken

Rule 1: Bulls, Bears Make Money, Pigs Get Slaughtered
It's essential for all traders to know when to take some off the table.

Rule 2: It's OK to Pay the Taxes
Stop fearing the tax man and start fearing the loss man because gains can be fleeting.

Rule 3: Don't Buy All at Once
To maximize your profits, stage your buys, work your orders and try to get the best price over time

Rule 4: Buy Damaged Stocks, Not Damaged Companies
There are no refunds on Wall Street, so do your research and focus your trades on damaged stocks rather than companies

Rule 5: Diversify to Control Risk
If you control the downside and diversify your holdings, the upside will take care of itself

Rule 6: Do Your Stock Homework
Before you buy any stock, it's important to research all aspects of the company

Rule 7: No One Made a Dime by Panicking
There will always be a better time to leave the table, so it is best to avoid the fleeing masses

Rule 8: Buy Best-of-Breed Companies
Investing in the more expensive stock is invariably worth it because you get peace of mind

Rule 9: Defend Some Stocks, Not All
When trading gets tough, pick your favorite stocks and defend only those

Rule 10: Bad Buys Won't Become Takeovers
Bad companies never get bids, so it's the good fundamentals you need to focus on

Rule 11: Don't Own Too Many Names
It can be constraining, but it's better to have a few positions you know well and like

Rule 12: Cash Is for Winners
If you don't like the market or have anything compelling to buy, it's never wrong to go with cash

Rule 13: No Woulda, Shoulda, Couldas
This damaging emotion is destructive to the positive mindset needed to make investment decisions

Rule 14: Expect, Don't Fear Corrections
It is not always clear when a correction will strike, so expect and be prepared for one at all times

Rule 15: Don't Forget Bonds
It's important to watch more than stocks, and bonds are stocks' direct competition

Rule 16: Never Subsidize Losers With Winners
Any trader stuck in this position would do well to sell sinking stocks and wait a day

Rule 17: Check Hope at the Door
Hope is emotion, pure and simple, and trading is not a game of emotion

Rule 18: Be Flexible
Recognize and be open to the unexpected shifts in the market because business, by nature, is dynamic, not static

Rule 19: When the Chiefs Retreat, So Should You
High-level executives don't quit a company for personal reasons, so that is a sign something is wrong

Rule 20: Giving Up on Value Is a Sin
If you don't have patience, think about letting someone who does run your money

Rule 21: Be a TV Critic
Accept that what you hear on television is probably right, but no more than that

Rule 22: Wait 30 Days After Preannouncements
Preannouncements signal ongoing weakness, wait 30 days to see if anything has gotten better before you pull the trigger to buy

Rule 23: Beware of Wall Street Hype
Never underestimate the promotion machine because analysts get behind stocks and can keep them propelled in an up direction well beyond reason

Rule 24: Explain Your Picks
Buying stocks is a solitary event, too solitary in fact, so always make sure you can articulate your reasoning to someone else

Rule 25: There's Always a Bull Market
It's OK if you have to work hard to find it, just don't default to what's in bear mode because you are time-constrained or intellectually lazy

Monday, October 13, 2008


Mulianya seorang isteri disisi Allah...
Dan betapa berharganya wanita yang bergelar isteri
ini pada keluarga, suami dan anak-anak
Rugi dan binasalah suami-suami yang tidak menghargai isteri
mereka kerana isteri inilah yang akan membantu mereka di akhirat
Biarlah buruk mana isteri anda,
sayangilah mereka.....

Beruntungnya seorang wanita yg ada rahim ini ialah dia bekerja
dengan Tuhan... jadi 'kilang ' manusia.
Tiap-tiap bulan dia diberi cuti bergaji penuh...
7 sehingga 15 hari sebulan dia tak wajib sembahyang
tetapi Allah anggap diwaktu itu sembahyang terbaik darinya.
Cuti bersalin juga sehingga 60 hari.
Cuti ini bukan cuti suka hati
tapi cuti yang Allah beri sebab dia bekerja dengan Allah.
Orang lelaki tak ada cuti dari sembahyang.. .
sembahyang wajib baginya dari baligh sehingga habis

Satu lagi berita gembira untuk wanita,
Sepanjang dia mengandung
Allah sentiasa mengampunkan dosanya,
Lahir saja bayi seluruh dosanya habis.
Inilah nikmat Tuhan beri kepada wanita,
jadi kenapa perlu takut nak beranak?

Marilah kita pegang kepada tali Allah.
Seandainya wanita itu mati sewaktu bersalin, itu dianggap
mati syahid, Allah izinkan terus masuk Syurga.
Untuk orang kafir dia tak dapat masuk Syurga tapi
Allah beri kelonggaran siksa kubur.
Untuk peringatan semua wanita yang bersuami
seluruh kebaikan suaminya, semuanya isteri dapat pahala
tetapi dosa-dosa suami dia tak tanggung.

Diakhirat nanti seorang wanita solehah akan
terperanjat dengan pahala extra yang banyak dia
terima diatas segala kebaikan suaminya yang tak disedari.
Contohnya bila dia redho suaminya pergi berjemaah di masjid
atau ke majlis ilmu, bersedekah.. ganjaran Alah keatasnya jua..

Bila dia lihat suaminya tengah terhegeh-hegeh di titian
Sirat dia tak nak masuk syuga tanpa suaminya,
jadi dia pun memberi pahalanya kepada
suami untuk lepas masuk syurga.
Didunia lagi, kalau suami dalam kesusahan
isteri boleh bantu tambah lagi di akhirat.
Kalau seorang isteri asyik merungut,mulut selalu muncung
terhadap suami dia tak akan dapat pahala extra ini.

Manakala suami pula mempunyai tugas-tugas berat didalam dan
diluar rumah, segala dosa-dosa anak isteri yang tak dididik
dia akan tanggung ditambah lagi dengan dosa-dosa yang lain..
Dinasihatkan kepada semua wanita supaya faham akan syariat
Allah agar tidak derhaka denganNya.

Sesungguhnya wanita dijadikan daripada rusuk kiri lelaki.
Dia bukan dicipta dari kepala ke kaki,juga bukan dari tapak
kaki. Dia dicipta dari sebelah rusuk kiri lelaki supaya dia hampir
kepada kamu(lelaki) ,lengan lelaki dicipta untuk mempertahankan
wanita,dekat dengan hati lelaki untuk disayangi.

Woman was made from the rib of man,
She was not created from his head to top him,
Nor form his feet to be stepped upon,
She was made from his side to be close to him,
From beneath his arm to be protected by him,
Near his heart to be loved by him.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Cantiknya Wanita

Allah berfirman:
"Ketika Aku menciptakan seorang wanita, ia diharuskan untuk menjadi seorang yang istimewa.
Aku membuat bahunya cukup kuat untuk menopang dunia; namun, harus cukup lembut untuk memberikan kenyamanan."

"Aku memberikannya kekuatan dari dalam untuk mampu melahirkan anak dan menerima penolakan yang seringkali datang dari anak-anaknya."

"Aku memberinya kekerasan untuk membuatnya tetap tegar ketika orang-orang lain menyerah, dan mengasuh keluarganya dengan penderitaan dan kelelahan tanpa mengeluh."

"Aku memberinya kepekaan untuk mencintai anak-anaknya dalam setiap keadaan, bahkan ketika anaknya bersikap sangat menyakiti hatinya."

"Aku memberinya kekuatan untuk mendukung suaminya dalam kegagalannya dan melengkapi dengan tulang rusuk suaminya untuk melindungi hatinya."

"Aku memberinya kebijaksanaan untuk mengetahui bahwa seorang suami yang baik takkan pernah menyakiti isterinya, tetapi kadang menguji kekuatannya dan ketetapan hatinya untuk berada disisi suaminya tanpa ragu."

"Dan akhirnya, Aku memberinya air mata untuk dititiskan. Ini adalah khusus miliknya untuk digunakan bilapun ia perlukan."

"Kau tahu: Kecantikan seorang wanita bukanlah dari pakaian yang dikenakannya, susuk yang ia tampilkan, atau bagaimana ia menyisir rambutnya." "Kecantikan seorang wanita harus dilihat dari matanya, kerana itulah pintu hatinya, tempat dimana cinta itu ada."
